
He sanitized. Which is different.

See this is the kind of good dirt you don't get in ESPN comments

I brought a freezer with me to Iraq. My family used to ship cases of Otter Pops over to me. The locals that did scut work on base took breaks near my hooch, so if I was off-duty at the time I'd bring them all out some Otter Pops. After the 2nd day, the one that spoke English thanked me but asked me not to bring out

If you don't say it like Bill the Cat, get the fuck out

Dude's not in jail and still employed. Not an entirely happy ending.

The least funny member of a very unfunny show is leaving? Cool. Re-casting with the traditional sitcom kiss of death? Very cool.

Wait- you can get DWIs in Louisiana now?

She saw the polls, she knew she was going to get slaughtered.

I've told my nieces before they left for college- if God forbid, something criminal happens to you, you don't tell your RA, you don't file a complaint through Student Life, you don't tell a campus administrator- you call 911, you deal with the actual police, and you file actual charges.

I laugh my ass off at men who can't deal with their wives making more money/being more successful than they are. If my wife ever became the breadwinner (and was happy at what she was doing) and I could work part-time/house husband, how the fuck am I supposed to be anything but deliriously happy?

The university did not ruin his career. They followed all the right steps (until they fired him without paying out his contract).

I understand why Hoffner is angry at the university. I don't understand why the article is.

It's seriously disturbing how attractive I find her. Then and now.

She turned out as well as you could realistically hope for with those two parents.

Certainly not up to the author's previous sterling work, including such gems as:

How fucking professionally awesome would it have been to be a wardrobe designer on this project?

What'd you expect? Barchi's fate is tied to hers at this point. His ass is barely hanging on as it is. If he admitted his mistake and cut her loose, he wouldn't be around long enough to even interview her replacement.

Slow news day?

Well gee, either:

Chris Matthews has made it his life mission to collect honorary degrees. He brags about them.