Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

For that price, you can buy a 5 year old SRT8 300 or Charger.

The ONLY way i can see this being even SLIGHTLY worth it is if the plant would significantly add to the genetic diversity of current stock. Even then, its still a fucking bush.

We could be Team Depreciating Asset!

That should get you half way to a Lemons racer!

Well, my 1964 scout ensures I stay at (or around) the speed limit, it just cant go any faster! My SRT8 is plotting on how to get me a horrific traffic ticket, and my 95 Ford van (around 9,000lbs in daily driving trim) pretty much just does what it wants anyway.

I have, in fact, recently discovered a 100% foolproof method as well. I just don't speed. At all. Not even by 5mph. I just leave earlier, and when I want to go fast, I use either a closed course (which consists of some old roads on my farm) or go to the track. With a CDL, I cant afford even a minor 5-10mph

Replying to myself, the edit time limit is too short :|

I am good friends with a used car dealer. Without being too rude to him (he's a cool guy) its a crappy business and most people in the field are SLEAZY.

If this were a CTS-V, this would be sad. As it stands, its just some v6 shaped gm scrap steel. The chemicals used for shake and bake, combined with the blood, make this cars interior hazmat. It cant be cleaned, and it cannot be tossed in the trash. Buying this car would be a serious mistake, as DISPOSAL costs are

They can key their mic on a certain frequency, OR, they can set their transponders to a certain code. If you see how transponders work, you need only move your finger 1/10th of an inch to change the code up or down one notch too far.

*Is in fact reading from his Econoline in a parking lot, which is by the mississippi river*

That only works on SRTs. Also; I'm quite confident you can think of a car worse than a 300-425hp RWD v8 if you think about it for a few seconds.

There are 8 pairs; perhaps its an VoIP buttphone...

Just have to laugh at how many wires are coming from the buttset. You only need 1 pair (2 wires). Plus, those are hookup/patch wire. Ahh well, done for movie effect I suppose...

ALL LX platform cars have crappy visibility. A giant A pillar, too low roof line, etc. There are electronic nannies in the standard models that are impossible to disable. If you get too sideways, they will reel you in. Too much power into a corner, and they will defuel the engine. SRTs models can have the nannies

It makes me a bit nervous because my camera monitors my Toad/Trailer, and cannot see behind it when there is a trailer there. There is a pretty decent chance I wont know you are back there unless it is night time and I can see your lights.

Four wheel Drive does not make you an immortal winter driving GOD. It means you can hurl towards trouble twice as fast, but still have brakes on four tires, like everyone else.

Blinking Yellow Idiot Light = Catalytic converter death imminent! $120-2000 dollar repair ahead if you dont stop!

I totally agree. The stuff that keeps you from being stuck on the road. Check the tires once a week, every time you stop for gas check the water and oil levels, and once a month or so get a friend to check your lights (not that it really matters for lights now days, most cars will say something.)

So, they are looking for a base model 99-02 F150 or F250 'LD' (very rare). The grille color is 'argent' (no chrome or chrome trim) and those were on work trucks.