Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

Those strut covers are Billet Technology's 'Devo' design. I wonder if they are actually including those (that would mean some serious back-order at tiny little billet tech) or if some engineer threw them on to cover up the fact the plastic ones wont fit -_-

There is also the Corvette, Mustang (get over it, its come of age, its a sports car in its higher tiers), Challenger (more of a muscle car, but still scores .9G on the skid pad), and not to forget the stuff Saleen makes.

Sir Halffast is correct. Its actually in several places however. There is no need for a law.

2. Engine mounts that clearly weren't designed to handle this much torque.

The radio signal can travel a bit of a distance, on some examples about 20-30 feet. My employer's wife has a Chrysler minivan, and he has a Jeep. They are keyed the almost same, and they hang the keys in the garage. He grabbed her keys, started his jeep, and drove to the office. When he want to start his jeep

Ford only has a few dozen key sets. You actually had a decent chance of opening their door. The full tryout set (130-someodd keys) will let you open any Ford made from 1980s to today. There is a set of about 12 keys that will work with a bit of jiggling (called jigglers).

These road side attractions brought to you by: The Automotive Body Workers Association!

Infinite skill cannot always save you. A big load of luck is always a good thing to have on your side.

Its Italian, the horn doesn't work.

Check your driveway, do you have this?

The vinyl decals used are glossy, they might appear white to the camera because of sunlight reflecting off the ice. The camera also clearly has bad color saturation issues.

Unless he had a freaking bale in the trunk of that charger he just went from misdemeanor to full on rectum endangering felony.

Yeah, didn't mean to come across as an ass, and looking back I see I clearly did. Sorry about that.

I have contacted a professional in Florida who will call tomorrow to try to setup an inspection. Afterwards I will make an offer if all goes as planned. I have a few grand less than the asked amount to spend, so hopefully 'Chip' will at least consider my offer.

A perfectly valid point. Quite honestly, I am usually doing close to the speed limit anyway. Noone's time is so important that they cant take a minute or two to be safe and wait it out. On occasion, I sadly have to remind myself of that, as I should freaking well know it already.

I shall henceforth refrain from doing so, in the interest of making your day to day Jalopnik Experience more Jalopnik-y.

Trucks maul the right one two lanes usually, and the crown on the left most lane makes it somewhat uncomfortable on cars with sensitive suspension. Fully agree!

Perhaps you were a BMW owner in a previous life?

Lots of Saabs are just GM cars underneath. Its more like:

I'm actually checking to see if i can come up with enough scratch after my taxes are paid to get this. It would basically complete everything I want in life to have it sit next to my 05 GT, waiting its turn on the weekends. As its old enough, there actually is a procedure to import it as a historic or interesting