Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

While I am a BIT biased, I'll stick with my 2005 GT. While I know it is really just an homage at best, I feel its more modern engine and handling characteristics will make it more fun.

Agreed. Also, just because your car is capable, and you are a confident, skilled driver, doesn't mean you can avoid other idiots who lack said attributes.

*Runs to his Apocalypse Shelter*

Wow, totally wrong and I find that seriously offensive as a deep south redneck.

We have an F650 flatbed wrecker.

Axle wrap!

I built this slow cooker last year (and its computer controlled temp/fuel regulator system) from an old circle track car. We actually compete, and win, on this grill in BBQ competitions here in Memphis/mid-south.

"No amount of power makes something that heavy fun"

What? REALLY? Did Mercedes do such a bad job with its w5a580?

They were all the V6 rental car werent they?

The outside lever is the gear selector, inside is the transmission brake. Supposedly.

So, derp, driver is apparently female. My bad.

I don't dress in pressed slacks and a button up shirt with a tie when i drive my 64 scout, why should he dress in period gear to race?

Arduino has its place. If you need to rapidly prototype something or fire off a one of a kind item where packaging isn't a concern; it is a decent go-to. If you need ultra low power consumption you can use something like TIs MSP430 line, which are available with built in wireless.

Totally Agree.

Meh. Trident II ICBM (Submarine Launched)

(The truck thingy is called a Buffalo)


Nearly 600 claimed horsepower on a 1990's car chassis lovingly shaped by UAW backed craftsmen, from the finest of Jello brand Gelatin? No.

Remember the stir these caused when released? The brick mobile, the 'Bentley look alike' (Why is that BTW? The grille is just an 'eggcrate' design the old 1950s 300 had, and the headlights mimic the 1958 setup.)