It’s not like she grew up rich, either. I’m sure her lizard brain still thinks of $30k as a year’s salary.
It’s not like she grew up rich, either. I’m sure her lizard brain still thinks of $30k as a year’s salary.
It’s safe to say JKR’s a bit of a mixed bag, persona- and public-statement-wise. But surely she is allowed to impose consequences on someone who stole from her, and I don’t think “she has so much money, who cares about a measly five figures and a few cats” is a valid argument. IF it happened, it’s a violation of…
A thought to put the smile on everyone’s face.
GOOD. I had to switch to something else because of my blood pressure.
Oh. My. God. That one where a female journalist of color asked a question and HE PRETENDED HE COULDN’T UNDERSTAND HER ACCENT.
The last time I shroomed I watched my ex-girlfriend peel her face off and turn it into a lampshade, so I put on three pairs of sweatpants and hid in my closet. None of that sentence is made up.
Dash’s death wrecked me. I wouldn’t let my dogs out of my sight for like a week after I watched that episode.
I breathed an honest to dog sigh of relief to learn she still has her dorgis.
Right? Uber may not give a shit about assault, but he’s been ripping them off. You’d think that would be enough to make them drop him.
Jesus Heloise Christ. How this dude have 11 other incidences of overcharging and driving people random places and he was still employed and endorsed by Uber to continue and escalate his fuckery?!
Would like to see Black Cindy going to Rabbinical school.
Came to say this. I really liked the last season, thought it was more of what I was looking for in the show.
Sort of off topic but it took me longer than I want to admit to figure out Natasha Lyonne’s arm situation in that picture. lol
I know I’m in a minority, but I thought the show was getting better after going down hill seasons 2-3.
So this happened to me quite some time ago (almost 20 years, wow I feel old!), but I still remember details to this day.
My wife read that story about the little hole in the wall to me, and now we have resolved that when our daughter moves out on her home, we are going to buy her the biggest dog available. We are going to find a dog that could eat a Volkswagen and it is going to be her roommate.
I love this so much. My husband also has very vivid and physical dreams. I’ll never forget waking up to him bouncing and kicking both his legs. I shake him awake and he’s like I was kangaroo. LOL. I love that man.
A wrinkle in time!