
I used to think Tom Arnold was creepy AF, I was also 5 or 6, his characters have a creep vibe, but now I see that it was Tom who had to put up with Roseanne’s behavoir (esp on set. Before she married him and LMC had a thing and Roseanne put the kabosh on it, saying people who work together can’t date.?Their union was

On first glance I was like, the Wall? Like she's in the Night's Watch? and then grokked. If we did have to have a fucking wall somewhere, I wish it were more like that one so we could banish the entire Trump family to it.

Thoughts and prayers.

Are you serious? It’s so hard to tell in this time of 45 when people say such head scratchingly stupid things, that one would, a mere two years ago, think was a joke.

Wait, wait, Dan was supposed to be a DRYWALL CONTRACTOR? I NEVER would have guessed this, seeing as how he never once A) came home covered in hot mud and drywall dust B) wandered around saying ‘Holy shit my hand hurts so much, can you open this jar for me?’ C) Got an early morning call because everything on the job

The rapper, whose new song fucking rules who is an unapologetic homophobe and anti-Semite,

I am normally the first to defend famous people’s right to privacy but I swear that if we do not get high quality photos of this dog soon I will single-handedly topple the British monarchy. I will trade you every single photo of any children this or any other royal couple has or will have (from baptism to wedding to

Deliberately shooting someone should keep you in jail.

Okay, but frankly deliberately shooting at a person should at least net you a higher bond, period!

To be fair he should also be facing quite a few terrorism based charges as well, and they seem to not have done that either.

It’s a form of discrimination, it differentiates between those who can afford to dress up and those who can't.

That broke my spirit, and that is the reason why I had one foot in, one foot out the entire time I was on that show. Maybe that was me being petty, maybe that was me thinking it should’ve been something I never should’ve expected it to be, but in that moment it was so heartbreaking because I idolized her, I

I know, I know. They get a pass but they really shouldn’t. There should be something done to fix the damage done to those folks. 

She’s trash. Horrible.

Yes!!!! When we were dating my husband was all Brooks Brothers all the time. 10 years later and 46 years old this past Saturday, we were grocery shopping when I looked down and saw something crusty and dried white all over his Birkenstocks (he was wearing socks and cargo shorts with them). I said, “Oh my god what’s

I read this whole post and it makes me so happy to be old (mid 40s) and not know who any of these people are, or care. Well written, though.

I despise dressing up. I know how to dress up and I think I look good when I do, but I largely think it’s overrated and not needed in most every situation including work.

I’ve converted my entire wardrobe (pretty much...) to leggings, knit dresses, and cardigans.  I love it.  It’s like the best thing that has ever happened.  It’s like you’re wearing pajamas 24/7 BUT NO ONE KNOWS HIS BUT YOU.  Everyone else thinks you’re being fancy because you’re wearing a “dress”.

They all suck and their makeup “looks” are all ugly and too damn much. I cannot wait until this trend of really overdone makeup is over. All these kids and young people who are caking it on are going to be so pissed that all their pictures of them when they were young and had as near perfect skin as you can get are

Boy, that sure makes my twin tower