
THIS! So fucking this!!! They want the woman to have the baby then struggle on her own. Then call her a whore. Fuck.

But isn’t this what dictators and their wives do?

That comment is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you. OMFG laughing my ass off.

She is definitely my favorite! I have to wonder if it is men that don’t like her, and women that do?

It isn’t just hard to accept that words no longer matter, it’s terrifying. It’s terrifying to think that this man who will soon be the leader of the free world can make his own ‘truth’. And his followers will just keep screaming that ‘truth’ loudly until it becomes truth. It is terrifying.

MUCH love and good vibes being sent your way from an anonymous internet lurker. I’ve been there too, there is no shame, there is only light at the end of the tunnel - and you will get there into that light. Many blessings

I wish that she was just trolling everyone with these fantastical stories. It’s just too sad to contemplate if she’s not. Ugh. I want to hide already, and it’s just 8am

Thank you for reporting this and continuing to report things like this. We can NOT BE complicit about this. We must be ever vigilant to insure that the worst part of human history does not repeat itself. I do not think there is cause to grab the pitchforks... yet. But this is particularly alarming that anyone with

YESSSSSSSSSS! Good for you, I am so happy to read this. I am joyfully living vicariously through you. THANK YOU! WOOT!

You’re a genius. Thank you.

Jaysus I had not seen that. I’m embarrassed for him and BOY do I feel bad for Michelle. ACK even his poor wife is trying to stop him.

I do not think that this would happen - however were I Hillary I would pray that he did try to put me in prison. That would help to show everyone once and for all what an incredible shit that man is. I would pray that he would do it.

Count me in!

YESSSSSSSSS!!! Yes to both of you, high fives, fist bumps, me jumping up and down and cheering for the both of you! I’m old but I hope I’m around long enough to vote for her!

I wish I worked where you do. Here, they were gloating knowing that I was a very vocal supporter of Clinton - and very strongly against Donald Trump. I sit within earshot of the lunch room and they are yelling “It’s TRUMP DAY!” over and over, one even came out to ask if I heard them. I feel very afraid and very

Ya, I agree that we need to make the transition as smooth as possible. HOWEVER - we can not forget the truths in this article. These things were done, these things were said, these things were and are true. Never forget this shit - thank you for an article that will help us remember when they sugar coat the hell

Thank you. I really needed to hear that right now. I’ve been suffering with great anxiety, and it is affecting me greatly. This is scary shit. Thank you for this.

UGH! I’m so sorry that happened to you. Good Lord. :/

I believe you, but it doesn’t matter if people do or don’t. The truth is the truth. You were innocent in all of this. You chose to be trusting. That is a good quality, I hope you never lose it.

Do not feel guilty for acting this way - loss is REAL and trying to stuff those emotions deep down inside is stupid and unhealthy. It hurts - why pretend that it does not. It does suck.