
I hardly know what to say! That's despicable! I can't imagine doing anything like that to someone I love. Your parents weren't evil but what they did was. I'm sorry. I pray that you have a joyful life, and have learned to love yourself. God Bless you.

Finally. A woman for Garrus.

Me 2 and I hate high heels. :)

YES! I do believe in dinosaurs. :)

I'm a bit afraid to admit that I'm a Christian and I support Gay marriage. Not because of what other Christians might say - I know what I'd say back to them. But, instead, because of what non-Christians will say. It's pretty popular to bash Christians - mostly because it's so darn easy. We're a hypocritical

Ya, this seems crazy to me

That's a German Short Haired Pointer. Best kind of dog in the world. Smart, loyal, very obedient!

...and tail! A tail in the spokes would hurt!

Ya, this is beautiful. Send this - you are good to have written it.

Mr. Fnord,

Thinking of you and praying. So absolutely sorry for your loss.

Teenagers are very clever. They know how to get around firewalls, logging and the best internet security. At least mine did.

In our case, we owned it. People make mistakes. We owned it and went to the police/FBI immediately. (it was across state lines, and my daughter was below the age of consent) When everything is out in the open it will no longer have the power of secrecy to hang over your head.

Fantastic advice. You are wise Lisbeth.


Beautiful article. But I would encourage you NOT to give up on any dreams because of past mistakes. Should these unfortunate situations rear their ugly heads in the future you can and should raise your middle finger and own it. And in doing so take away all the power that it has over you. Admit that you made some

When a person is seriously depressed, and in tremendous pain they can find the will and the power to conceal it. It's very common, putting on a smile to hide all the pain. As a parent you want desperately to believe that your child is indeed getting better, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.