

It's a Berlinetta Lusso. Probably the most exquisite Ferrari ever designed.

No need to apologize, and thanks for the thoughtful post. I agree on all counts. It's astonishing that a couple reg'lar citizens like us understand the utter, demonstrable futility of our current military interventions, but the powers in D.C. do not. It beggars the imagination to think of how those funds and resources

I dunno...sounds like a damn clever heist to me.

"Either way we can't win."

Curves...you're NIGERIAN???

Good god.

I didn't know Morgans had that kind of torque...

Probably because he loves the idea...another way for the blow hard to blow hard.

Hemsworth played the father.

Only the part about getting bit on the hand. Everything else was true.

@Zanzan42: Again, I concur with your general argument. But the only reason "Slumdog" or "Greek Wedding" succeeded was because of the story, not the actors.

@Zanzan42: While I agree with your general posit, I'm going to respectfully disagree with your statement that the actor is most responsible for the delivery of the story. The person most responsible is THE PERSON WHO WROTE THE STORY. How an actor, working for a few weeks, can make 20 times more than the writer (who

@RizzRustbolt: And with friends like mine, it usually does.

@Belabras: "Beverly! To my ready room! Make it grow!"

@serenada: Whenever a buddy of mine tells me he has a date, I trot out another old standby:

@Murray Hewitt: Oh, I don't know...I suspect if you really want a BIG Big Bang, interpenetration is the way to go.

@BrownDanielUSN: "The first successful commercial GUI product was the Apple Macintosh, which was heavily inspired by PARC's work; Xerox was allowed to buy pre-IPO stock from Apple, in exchange for engineer visits and an understanding that Apple would create a GUI product."

Sick, racist fuckshits. I hope Black Panther makes it into the forthcoming Avengers movie. And opens up a 55-gallon-drum of "burn off your righteous, redneck, smelly Sarah Palin cunt" on these animals.