
@Alfisted: Well, inasmuch as he could buy himself a Hawker Harrier with the money in his kitchen change jar, pretty much anything he wants.

Ummm, if you gave these photos even a cursory glance, you'd see it's a painted, die cast model.

@met2art: One more word: asswipe.

This would be fine as long as they can keep the engine from spewing oil all over the fucking pavement, or blowing out the asspipes. I'm getting the suspicion that this is a fundamental flaw in the rotary's chamber sealing architecture. I've heard stories of owners pouring as much as three quarts per month just to keep

@badco/LoJ: No, his manager obtained Bob's permission...one reason he's still his manager. Trust me, Seger doesn't need the money.

@MushyHeirloom: It's like a DMC12's dorky baby brother. But for 1500 frogskins, what the hell. It's unusual, if nothing else. Price.

@OneCrackedEgg: Interesting fact: Bob didn't get a dime of royalties from GM's use of "Like a Rock." He gave the song to his manager as a gift, who subsequently "leased" it to GM for multiple millions of dollars in revenue. Mr. Seger rocks, as a musician and a human being.

@Gann: Not in Russia, a country long known for their big spheres.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: It's not anti-Western, it's simple fact. Goldfarb is correct, the "Dark Ages" were dark in Europe, due largely to a plethora of barbaric customs, an astonishing degree of religious entitlement and a staggering lack of acceptance of demonstrable fact, driven largely by classic Christian xenophobia.

@Odin: I largely agree. I think this whole thing as approaching a commensalism argument. In most things, if something is demonstrably superior in function it tends to be adopted universally. When M-B introduced antilock brakes on their S-class (lo these many years ago), everyone else scrambled to adopt the