
@badco/LoJ: No, his manager obtained Bob's permission...one reason he's still his manager. Trust me, Seger doesn't need the money.

@MushyHeirloom: It's like a DMC12's dorky baby brother. But for 1500 frogskins, what the hell. It's unusual, if nothing else. Price.

@OneCrackedEgg: Interesting fact: Bob didn't get a dime of royalties from GM's use of "Like a Rock." He gave the song to his manager as a gift, who subsequently "leased" it to GM for multiple millions of dollars in revenue. Mr. Seger rocks, as a musician and a human being.

@Gann: Not in Russia, a country long known for their big spheres.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: It's not anti-Western, it's simple fact. Goldfarb is correct, the "Dark Ages" were dark in Europe, due largely to a plethora of barbaric customs, an astonishing degree of religious entitlement and a staggering lack of acceptance of demonstrable fact, driven largely by classic Christian xenophobia.

@Odin: I largely agree. I think this whole thing as approaching a commensalism argument. In most things, if something is demonstrably superior in function it tends to be adopted universally. When M-B introduced antilock brakes on their S-class (lo these many years ago), everyone else scrambled to adopt the