
You know you don’t have to go without sex until you’re married to avoid having children and contracting STDs, right? Despite our country’s shitty Abstinence Only sex education (assuming you’re in the US), some of us are still smart enough to figure out how a condom and birth control works.

That’s what God said to Joseph too, and look what happened there.

From what I understand he cheated on his ex-wife quite a bit and decided to (after talking to god) remain abstinent. I’m not a very religious person, but I give him kudos for that.

Eh. The blinds have been swearing up and down that Wilson is gay for ages, and that Ciara, is a beautiful, very well paid beard so that his NFL career can continue. Don’t know how true it is, but I am getting a huge sense of, “Methinks thou doth protest too much” with the amount of TMI regarding the sex in this

Yes, I, an out gay man, am very homophobic. You’re adorable.

They either need to fuck or shut the hell about not fucking. I’m fine with either choice.

They make it our business when they tell the world about their abstinence.

Lots of people of avoid sex with people of the opposite sex...

I’m abstinent too.

Right? Ciara is usually private. I don’t get why they have to keep bringing it up.

They will never fuck. “I’m religious” is the bullshit excuse down-low athletes like Tim Tebow and Wilson use to cover for the obvious. I’m sure Ciara is getting compensated very well to beard and the poor thing needs the money: She hasn’t had a hit in a decade.

$20 says one of them cries after they finally do it the first time.

Yep, if someone called for an ambulance right away (instead of calling the union rep) it would be much easier to paint this as "rookie cop makes mistake".


we know too much about this relationship.

well, asian cops that murder and rape people. asian cops that don’t murder and rape people are probably safe.

I can’t help but feeling they picked this case to throw the book at to sort of “make up” for all the more egregiously outright murders cops have committed and gotten off clear and free for. I think he bears a lot of responsibility but so does the city (don’t put rookies together on the most dangerous patrol possible;

That’s insane. This guy fired one shot in the dark that ricocheted and hit Gurley by accident. Did he act neglicent by pulling the trigger after hearing a sound in the dark on a stairwell? Absolutely. Did he kill a black man in cold blood execution style or slowly strangle him to death like so many other cops did.

Yup, you can’t be not white and go around shooting people!

Waitaminute... so between this guy and Daniel Holtzclaw, are we only convicting Asian cops then?