So, a bunch of adults picked on some teenagers. Nice. Were there no children available?
So, a bunch of adults picked on some teenagers. Nice. Were there no children available?
As a Hispanic that has lived in many places in the U.S. My experience is that there are racists everywhere and Texas racist are assholes that are open about it and have no problem harassing you in the street because “it’s the Texas way” or something. Many people prefer an open racist. But I disliked having to deal…
“Haha, look at this thing my funny and awesome friends made without me even forcing them to do it, like at all!! Aren’t they funny and awesome friends? Don’t you think this is great??”
Gay as a goose.
I'm sure he's already on his way to a Christian Music career, the last refuge of blandly talented singers who can't quite make it in any other genre.
No, they will limp along for a little while yet, petty resentments mounting, until she finds him on Grindr.
I hope she has her feminist awakening and little Jordan goes to Hollywood and finds himself a nice boyfriend and they all live together in a nice big house and raise baby Westwhatever together!
I texted my gay dad who is also a former worship leader and a huge Idol fan to get his thoughts on this - he agrees
Thank god I wasn't the only one...
Riiiight. I was definitely getting that read.
Agree completely. She just wasn’t good enough and I think they were trying to be kinder about it. He is a far superior singer and she is young and when you’re young it can be very hard to look at your own talent critically and know that sometimes other people are just better than you. This is also why, ugh, NEVER…
Ummmm... I don’t know - I watched it again. I hear what you’re saying but at least the Male had some vocal chords. He actually sang well. She wasn’t that great of a singer and chose a dumb song to show off her vocal range. My favorite part though was when she blamed the Male for her not getting in because he was…
I do not doubt that Jordan is the world’s biggest Celine Dion fan.
Ehh I was all ready to agree with that, until I watched the clip. He was obviously much better than her and much more compelling. I think it was more that she wasn’t a strong enough performer to hold their attention against the baby and husband.
Phrases like "Worship Leaders" and "Praise Teams" are strong signifiers of churches I do not wish to attend.
She turned on him real fast, I bet he got to hear about how he distracted them with a dancing baby the whole ride home.
I feel like if she doesn’t make it then she thought he was supposed to fail, too. Also, they brought their baby to make them more memorable and television friendly, right? So saying that he distracted the judges by putting the baby on the ground like it’s his fault seems a bit hypocritical? It seems like she is a poor…
There’s a 0% chance these guys are not aspiring Christian vloggers.
Evangelicals who married young....ALWAYS the healthiest of relationships!
That’s an awkward car ride home.