Hans Todd Christiansen Anderson

First he's in North Korea. Now he's in Rome. I think it's obvious what's going on here. Rodman is just playing Where in the World is Carmen Electra?

If Leia Organa was Princess of Alderaan, and then Vader blew that place up, why do we still refer to her as Princess Leia? There's no more Alderaan to be Princess of.

I decided to give up fapping for Lent. I'm really going to try and make it the whole 40 days. My question: What is your record for abstaining from yourself?

Raking pine straw. Leaves are pretty easy, but pine straw gets stuck on the rake after every third swipe and you have to stop and clean it out. Don't try to rake up too big a pile or you'll break the piece of shit plastic combs. Oh, and the blisters! And if you're really lucky, you'll forget where you left the

Look, when you are only 3 apples tall everyone looks the same.

Can you confirm or deny that she was from the Niagra Falls area?

Not sure when I heard it, but I'm pretty sure I heard Stinkfist by Tool at one point.

1. There's no white trash like Baltimore white trash.

George Clooney's father and local TV reporter. Met him a couple times working at a charity auction for PBS station. Super cool guy.

I lived in Cincy for 2 1/2 years. The city is perpetually stuck in 1986. Bengals fans are like Cubs fans except without the adorable curse. They all know the season will suck and yet they still sell out that stadium.

Hwang! Get me off this crazy thing!

I'm so glad to see this. Please make it a regular series. Equipment Managers are the unseen, unheard backbone of the sports world. If you want the inside scoop, or the funniest road stories you've ever heard, buy a manager a few beers and get ready for some sick shit.

Still sleepy at 9AM? I was eating lunch when the press conference started. Lazy kids with their saggy jeans and rap music.

The best piece of advice an adult ever game me was "Have as much fun as you can while you're in school—high school, college, whatever—because everything after that is fucking work."

3 words for you . . . Vacation Bible School. Not only will they babysit your kids for 4 to 6 hours, but they'll teach them some religion and stuff. Drop 'em off and enjoy your half day off.

Bitch please!

Now playing

Locker Room footage of the incident at 2:11 mark.


Finishing move: