Hans Todd Christiansen Anderson

Yeah, but the poop stories aren't going anywhere, right?


My Deadspin handle is too long for Twitter, so I came up with The_Walter_Ego off the top of my head. Hope I can change that later down the road.

Is this going to be the new Punk'd?

I just connected my account to Twitter. So . . . how does Twitter work?

Why Exactly Do Rick Pitino And John Calipari Hate Each Other?

In all honesty, Demolition's decline and eventual demise can be directly traced to the addition of Crush.

Scanning for the following:

Buffalo Wild Wings

Just ordered my free pack. I guess this means I'm required to buy the game now.

I'd also demand Black Keys tickets.

Tooth Fairy? Another piece of my childhood ruined by being raised by immigrant parents.


Celadon City Impostors?

So, the Lombardi trophy has syphilis now, right?

Man, these Stargate movies get weirder and weirder.

Follow up questions would reveal she craved a Baby Ruth candy bar, and had strong feelings for a gentleman named "Chunk."

Whole heartedly agree. TNT had Friday Night Lights followed immediately by We Are Marshall. By the time they were over I was a wreck. If Rudy had been thrown in the mix I may have started cutting myself.

Man. Ed Reed really needs to work on his interview skills in the offseason.

Olive Snook > Steven Tyler