
My mom taught sex ed at the church she worked at/we went to when I was in elementary and middle school. Once I was old enough to know what that meant it was oddly a source of embarrassment and pride because at least two of my church friends confided in me that they learned more from my mom's sex ed than from public

In other news, Jezebel once again makes the peculiar mistake that religion is a synonym for Christianity.

I think that's fine.

I think the all churches should be allowed to only hire and marry whomever they like. Just as soon as they give up all their tax and business protections, or stop participating at all ever in politics. You don't want to play by the rules like the rest of the businesses in this country, you don't get to pass go and

Just turn it off, its an old Mormon trick.

Not to mention the burial at sea package. That probably comes complimentary with all her accumulated "Sea Miles".

Sometimes I wish the Constitution were more black and white. Like, I wish it would flat out just say in plain English: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." Then we wouldn't have to deal with all this mess...

Main takeaway: I miss The Fall.

I also hate bananas, unless they're still green. I really HATE the smell of ripe bananas.

The Prince GIF got me thinking: Viola Davis and Allison Janney buddy cop movie?

"To automatically to be lumped into that category of a gang... that hits a little close to home for us, because that isn't our intent at all," Strobl said.

And then when they turn into teenagers, they go from being dogs who love to see you to cats who do their best to ignore you.

Well I'll be striking a blow against the patriarchy and eating donuts and binge-watching old British murder shows for the rest of the day, then.

Rephrase yourself.

And to think, if you guys had only elected Mitt Romney then right now I could be finding out which was the best Mumford.

3. Rob Lowe is a pretty cool guy, but the Neville Chamberlain reference is a bit much

Adnan killed her. I am honestly baffled by the number of people that have a hard time believing this.

I slept with Todd a few times, and it was vile. He uses BABY TALK during foreplay. Ugh.

When I was three you could only take 36 selfies. Then you had to change the roll.