Please be a joke. We get it, it's not a masterpiece, but it's still not a bad game objectively. You're hype level has probably clouded your judgement.
Please be a joke. We get it, it's not a masterpiece, but it's still not a bad game objectively. You're hype level has probably clouded your judgement.
Kotaku's readership deserves better than kotaku's goofball writers. I'm glad kotaku's writers don't all share the same opinion, now they know who to kick to the curb. It's fine to have different opinions, but when those opinions are being published, even on a terrible website like kotaku, you have to have standards.…
Agree. That article was pretty immature. He's probably never seen anything similar like Heavy Metal magazine.
Jason needs to apologize for his purile name calling and poorly considered article. Did the artist react poorly? Yeah. But if Jason put together an article that didn't start out with childish name calling, then maybe there would have actually been a discussion.
It seems like this article still attempts to pin the blame on Kamitani. I mean look at the title and the first sentence. There is NOTHING wrong with his art. Looks like Jason is the only one allowed to make jokes around here, because if Kamitani makes a joke - OOoooh he's a homophobic demon for making the joke and…
Kotaku: "It is art as long as it is SFW and doesn't offend anyone."
I am starting to hate Kotaku more and more every day.
In that case, maybe someone needs to tell your staff that they need to present themselves more professionally and stop treating the site like their own personal soapbox in order to get page hits. That's bush league stuff.
Jason's assessment was calling a fantastic artist "a 14 year old child".
I feel so blessed to not have so many emotional issues that I can just enjoy his wonderful art unhindered by irrational emotions.
lol ya kotaku... such a shame.... all this drama.... that you guys started...
oh lord damage control
"In some ways it's a little sad that the first time many people are hearing the name "George Kamitani" this week is because of the issues some are having with Dragon's Crown's characters"
personally i thought muramasa was heavily underrated. I loved that game.
I do love this guys art style, even dragon crowns booby lady.
It's weird, considering that DC was always the sunnier of the two main comics companies, apart from Batman and one or two other characters.
There's dressing up as your favorite game or TV character, then there's assembling a massive suit of Warhammer 40K ar…
Yeah, though it's partly reviewers in general. Dragon's Dogma was great, if you actually got into the game at all. Would have really preferred to hear a review from someone who actually beat the base game, since that's what this game is sort of for, fans of the game. As it stands, this review is largely useless; if…
I don't give a fuck. I will steel myself for combat this weekend.
Also, PAX Prime.
I think that's pretty much normal behavior for anyone who creates video games, movies, art, music, writes a book, anything really. You always look at your work after it's finished and think it's terrible and think you could've done a better job or think of ways on how to improve it. But everybody else who partakes…