I disagree with your assessment that it’s “dumb” that games are things you beat. It’s what separates it as an art form, it demands something from you.  You don’t beat the Dark Crystal because it asks nothing of you,  it’s passive entertainment.   Most videogames are meant to challenge you in some way,  to set up

I’m just not a joiner.  

I beat Dragon Quest XI so I didn’t hate it, but I also didn’t love it. The music is grating. The combat while good, can just take too long later in the game, and like all Dragon Quest games it just doesn’t know when to be over. Even the Builders series, which are great, reach a point of diminishing returns in game

Judging entire groups of people by the actions of the few is not the woke outlook on life you think it is. 

Stop buying this garbage.  

If this game gets a physical release or comes to Gamepass/ Humble Bundle I’m all over it. If I like it half as much as I enjoyed Yoku’s Island Express I’ll be happy.

I mean, Assassin’s Creed has had some real gems over the years, but the first one was also a repetitive grind. A rogue-like restart system is not a good fit for a game like this. Or any game with repetitive cutscenes for that matter.

I tried this game with Gamepass and maybe it gets better, but the first hour or so did not impress me. Glad it’s finding its audience though.

Does anyone on staff actually collect games?

Fuck Marry Kill.....

Yes, the movie is actually surprisingly good, but those eyes... just silly and unnecessary and probably dumb expensive.  

I would have much prefered they went with something like this in the movie instead of CG eyes.  

Just to be clear, the only reason I haven’t I dismissed this reply is because of how stupid it is. 

Yeah, that comment confused me.  

‘In’voluntary ‘Cel’ibate

If you’re mad about this you are a garbage human being. Especially in a game already loaded with product placement and egregious microtransactions.

That’s the thing about ‘LIVE’ games, eventually they’ll be transformed into something that barely resembles the game you loved in the first place.  

Yeah I don’t think the Hanzo main fits this criteria at all.  That’s a different, sadder person.  

I was thinking this but I wasn’t sure i was remembering correctly. This is impressive but if we keep building bigger ramps the number of spins is going to keep going up.

Gamepass is the best thing about the xbox right now. I can’t think of a good reason to not have it,  it’s really a no brainer.