The best part of optional features is that they're optional.
The best part of optional features is that they're optional.
Fact checked by whom, exactly? It's an official video released by Sony. I'm not sure who else could fact check.
The timer is so you can't just share the game with people for an unlimited time.
Nah there's no limit on how many times you can invite a person.
You have a one hour limit per session, but no limit on the number of sessions. When one expires, just pause the game and initiate a new session.
That limit is probably there so Sony doesn't piss off developers. Otherwise you could just leave share play on over night and let your buddy plow through a game for free. After the hour you can just pause, resend the invite, and start another hour.
If you're looking at colleges based on the dating pool, you're not looking a degree.
At a time when the competition had already been doing in-game chat relatively flawlessly for years.
We all know it stems from Nintendo's protect the kids mentality more than any claimed technical limitations.
I don't like talking while playing, but the reason Nintendo gives is pretty stupid, and seems that they did it to "protect" kids...again.
#49....oh for fuck's sake.
At least in Friend Matches. Is that too much to ask for Nintendo?
For all the flak that PSABR and the Vita have gotten, I gotta give them props for trying to give everyone what they were asking from nintendo all along.
Honestly I feel like final smashes should have been a one time thing. On one hand, we continue to have fairly lazy looking clones (Black Pit being among the more egregious of them) including long standing problems for the series like Ganondorf still being slow Captain Falcon. At the same time, most players who…
Some are cool, some are pretty unimaginative and derivative. PSABR has it beat in this department.
Notch just got himself a LOT of money. AND he gets to wash his hands and leave.
Please just let the Vita Minecraft come out...
Lilligant is on my permanent team. She's actually super good, and FUCKING ADORABLE.