
Which scene is most unrealistic? All of them. These movies are nothing more than Ricer Porn, mixed with equally ridiculous characters amd dialogue.

God, if the last couple of days have proven anything it's that Stef Shrader and Gawker suck. Lady, your PC soap box is neither correct nor entertaining. You're going to be shedding readers whether you know it now or not.

No, it would be like them refusing me service because I'm not Kosher, which is exactly what they would be doing in that scenario. The difference between me and you is that I don't want to sue them for it. Because, unlike you, I'm not a bigot.

Oh, and individual rights are not about "serving the public". The fact that you don't get the difference is quite telling. You do harm society as a whole however by restricting the rights of anyone. And a wedding cake from a specific baker who may not want to sell to you is not now, nor has it ever been, a human

Buddy, you've already admitted, in your own words, that you advocate treating the rights of different individuals disproportionately; based upon nothing more than their being a member of a demographic that you either support or oppose. Why not just give up the ghost, take the hit, and admit to being the intolerant

By the way, future President-elect Cruz laughs at Gawker's naive, Academia-brainwashed readers on an issue such as this. Gonna be a long 8 years for you kids starting in about about 1 year.

Read all of your posts, and the mental masturbation retained therin, and tell us which of us is trying to be the "clever" one. Cleverness is not required here. Try treating ALL people equally, and their God-given right to choose what's what's best for themselves. Who are you to play favorites, said mental

Yes, because I’ve always wanted FWD torque steer in a “sports car”. Meh...

So the owners of businesses all lose their rights the second they open that business? And their would-be patrons take on MORE rights in this situation? LOL. See how you've twisted you feeble mind into a pretzel here? Yeah right, "case closed".

I believe in freedom of choice for all individuals. Which means I believe in the right for gays to marry while also believing in the right for individual business owners to refuse anyone service for whatever reason. See, you're only capable of half of the equation and playing favorites. So yeah, you're the bigot.

First off, am not Christian. I'm agnostic and have always been. Secondly, I believe in the right for gays to marry as it entails their freedom of choice. Unlike you, I extend the same freedom of choice to the business owners. See, you're the intolerant, Christian hating bigot.

Except I believe in the right of gays to marry, because I believe in freedom of choice. Unlike you however, I don't suspend that right to freedom of choice when it comes to business owners . You're doing so makes you an intolerant bigot.

I'm not a Christian, amd am agnostic and have agnostic amd have always been. I'm also in favor of the right for gays to marry. Because I'm in favor if freedom of choice. Which means you cannot suspend said freedom of choice when it comes to the owner of agnosticnlways business. You do, so it sounds like you're

Hey dipshit, you left out a key part. Religions are also also protected class. This becomes much easier when we quit forcing people to do things.

You're finally right about one thing, it's not just about a wedding cake. It's about freedom of choice you stupid, intolerant fuck. Oh, by the way, I'm for the right of gays to marry. See, because that's also freedom of choice. Because I'm for everyone's freedom of choice. You're not. That makes YOU the bigot.

You stupid fuck, you don't even know what the law says, do you? First off, your wedding cake is not a human right. Secondly, if you think it entitles you to a law suit, the person your suing is entitled to a defense. You truly can't fathom that it is YOU who are the intolerant one here.

Except recent polling data suggest you're the one in the minority. What now?

You stupid, idiotic, brainwashed Gawker millllenials. Stop trying to impress the same teacher's lounge that brainwashed your little minds and understand a simple concept: You can still nlbe for the right for gays to marry, and YET be against the govt FORCING ANYONE, in favor of gay marriage or otherwise, to offer

That stupid throw away post from you just shows how willfully dumb you are on this issue. How am I the "intolerant" one when I think that ALL people should be allowed to both do and believe what they want, without penalty. Since when is a wedding cake a human right, you stupid fucking ponce? Answer the question or

I am FOR leagalization of gay marriage you stupid cunt! I am also for freedom of choice and freedom of thought. You are not. That not only makes you arrogant, but a hypocritical , intolerant piece of shit.