
You dipshit, they'd get sued for said public stance! It's already happened numerous times. This law was intended to give such people a defense. Do some research before posting for God's sake.

I'll be there amd I support this law. You don't speak for anyone. Arecent poll suggesting that majority of Americans believe in a business owner's right to refuse service however speaks volumes.

Because the PC mobs of today don't care about logic, reason, their own hypocrisy, or the simple concept of being free to choose.

Hey asshole, why don't you go fuck YOURSELF? Or try mixing in some logic and reason.

It would appear that the gays, other assorted grievance industry typea, and their useful idiots think we all work for them? Why can't you people just leave everyone alone? You don't see me demanding you to do anything for me. Intolerant assholes, all of you.

You're the one subjecting me to you PC religion. I just want to be left alone to serve who I want, when I want. Why are you such an asshole that you can't return the favor? Do I work for you now or something? Who made you dictator?

It clearly didn't come with a sense of wit, did it?

I elected me arbiter of my own opinions, along with the ability to back them up. Or does having a negative opinion of something make me a big meanie troll, you stupid fucking pussy millenial.

The tolerant amd enlightened amongst us want you all to know that you WILL be forced to photograph their weddings and bake their wedding cakes. If not, you will be sued amd you will lose everything you have. Assimilate now, for resistance is futile.

Really? So you get to force someone to photograph your gay wedding at the threat of ruinous legal action. You're right, you the tolerant and enlightened one.

You're a biggot to deserve a legal defense for not photographing a gay wedding on religious grounds? What the fuck is wrong with people like you?

Ugh...cliched adherents to the church if political correctness.

Or Brack Obama , Hilary Clinton, amd Elizabeth Warren.

Project much?

I'm an agnostic. Never in my life been a Christian. This law is both just and necessary. Why do you hate the concept of choice? Why are you so intolerant of Christians? Did the grey pony tail andretti a Sacramento State teach you to not think for yourself?

For the car talk. Are you telling us you came to Jalopnik for the political commentary?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I guess business owners aren't allowed the freedom of choice, hey Stef. I would say that the majority of the country has been brainwashed by the teacher's lounge, like this comically naive millenial generation. However, new poll data suggest majority of business should have a right to choose, aka not subject to the

Jesus, are you an uniformed cliche.

Honest, plain, logical truth. Thank you.