Anything that increases exposure for what is the series with the best racing on the planet is ok by me.
Anything that increases exposure for what is the series with the best racing on the planet is ok by me.
I don't get it. Would a $75K track car, with super car performance be just as "special" to you? The extra $400K in my pocket would be even more special to me.
I don't know.....kudos for Glikenhaus for having the chutzpa, but these hyper car/super car ventures don't really do it for me. Can't imagine what this will cost.
So, with all that extra weight, it pushes in the corners even more than the ICE version? Sweet. But the owner gets to be so progressive and save the planet.
"Current record economic growth?" Lol.
Or maybe it still thinks it plausible to blame Bush for everything?
What is the point of these Gran Turismo concept cars? It's pretty ridiculous.
Is this shit for real?
Whatever happens, please god do not let VW poach Subaru's people. Subaru, along with Mazda, "gets it". VW never will. They'll keep overengineering, offering stuff that no one truly needs, over-charging for it, and making ownership a painful, expensive nightmare. Lastly, please stop the f—-ing "structual racism"…
Wonder how much faster it will be around a ring than say a Z/28? Because I know it's gonna cost at least $300K more than that beast.
Pretty awesome. Feel like this should connect to an actual personal race track however.
This confirms everything I've always felt. Buy Japanese first, American second, and don't even bother with Europe.
I live in the church of light weight, but HP is a number which helps sell cars. so how about 375-400HP and 3,000 lbs. cars?
Because government stooges love to both lord over the free market and use the god of junk science as justification for it.
As an Indy Car fan first and foremost, I think Indy Car should drop the PC bull s—- and more or less tell Mr. Busch that "the water is fine over here, we'd love to have you." The man can drive the wheels off of anything, so why not the most powerful cars on planet earth? Also, there's no reason to believe he's done…
You know you're right. The guy who outwardly and totally loses his shit on anyone that dare question the talent of his favorite DJ? Yeah, that guy needs no mental health assistance
Then again, were I the motor sports equivalent of this guy, I might be insecure too:
Nope. No one's stopping you from pirouetting your car around a corner at a slow speed. Who said you weren't allowed? See, if you get to do something, people get to have an opinion about it. That's called life.
I know, at 36 years of age I am far too old to get how "cool" your fake sport is.
You roll your eyes, confident in all your jpeg meming, millenial glory that you just settled the conversation.