
Do I have to turn back in my Enthusiast Membership Card if I say you're so much better off saving the hassle and buying a lightly used 2013 FR-S (better suspension setup than the BR-Z and even 2014-15 FR-S's)?

You're making some great performance variants, but I find them simply too heavy for my taste. Will the next-gen V cars be lighter than those just announced? Or are you simply too bound to rest of GM's platform to truly do anything about the weight?

It's the figure skating of motor sport.

Yeah pal, I'm sure that the football team didn't spend it's time regularly hanging you up in a locker. You know, the internet is not your chance to get back at those folks, especially if you're going to be using your photo. I love watching you lose your shit. I love the taste of your yummy tears here. Protip:

Target hit. Appreciate the confirmation.

I love how badly I hurt you. Seriously, your tears and bile are delicious. Do you also stand on the street corner, near your little hovel, and attempt to shout down the guy in the suit who walks by on his cell phone. The guy whom you're convinced that he (and his money) are a "societal stain and scumbag" who has

So that it IS you in your pic!!!!! Hahahahahahaha......oh jesus man. ok, I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone now. You clearly are suffering enough in life already....hahahaha....

"Penisman"? Oh dear, I truly am arguing with a 16 year old, aren't I? So I guess the joke's on me. Regardless, you've confused yourself. You begin with saying that your favorite DJ's wealth is justification of his talent and an automatic defense against the "trolls" and "haters" of the world. When one such person

Oh, and I note you actually referred to him by his first name? You know, like you would a friend? Seriously, can this get any better?!? Is it possible? Please, tell us more about "Joel's" talent. Don't stop.....

Hahaha.....Was that the "I know you are what am I" defense? This clearly isn't going the way you wanted it to, is it? Please don't stop.

Then can you start doing a better job of it? Hint: odd posts regarding fedoras and gas stations (whatever the hell that was) are not getting it done. But I think, deep down, you sort of suspected that, didn't you?

Wait, I'm confused. What exactly did YOU come with that somehow demanded more of a response?

Yeah, "insanely".

The tragically comic part is that the real thing will probably one day take place. The same idiots who think Formula E cool will probably lap it up.

Look kids, you can have an oversize computer mouse drive you around! Won't that be rad?

So Dork City wants to build an appliance on four wheels and convince you that it's an "automobile"? In the meantime, we'll all have to suffer through equally 9-ball artist renderings of whatever that is allegedly going to be. And endless stories here and elsewhere speculating.

God. Please tell me that this is an effing joke....

I mean, really man. That was dropping the nuclear bomb. How does one come back from that? F—- me.....

Sorry, I think that would be your generation, no? But great comeback, bro. Really top notch.

You win, Millenial. JPEG memes rule all. If only I had the skill....