
Wow, I am truly enjoying the taste right now of your yummy, yummy tears. Tell us, in addition to speaking for everyone, are you also now the self-appointed moderator? Could it be possible for you to make this more enjoyable than you already have? Don't change, son. Don't change.

Because I'm not into your favorite DJ? By the way, did you type this from the fetal position with or withput the thumb in your mouth?

Because I'm not into your favorite DJ? Fanboy much, BRO? LOL

That, along with watching a mouth-foaming, DJ fanclub president hilariously lose his shit. Yes. Tell us, is this Deadmau fellow yet to answer any of your emails or letters? Perhaps you can make it through his security detail one day and introduce yourself? I'm sure he'd recognize immediately that you're far

Yes, you are a hater. Unless you mean that we must all like those who make whatever music some people enjoy? You don't Milli Vanilli too, do you?

Hahahaha.....YOUR community?!? LOL. Nice to know you speak for everyone, including all those who favorited my original post.

A nice stock and real estate portfolio, to go along with a lot of successfully closed deals and the founding of some pretty interesting technology companies.

It also has some of the best drivers, fastest cars, and best racing on the planet. If you pray to the god of Bernie Eclestone, at the expense of any other series, you might not be as cool as you think.

Way to tell me, bro....

That's right. If me and most of the rest of the world aren't into your noise, we're all "uniformed ass clowns".

Not necessarily. F1 does not automatically make one better than say a Connor Daly or Simona, particularly when factoring on ovals? Reality is that Indy Car drivers take a back seat to no one. The series may have issues, but it's not the drivers.

How do you what I make? And having an opinion is now hate? Got it. Get over yourself.

Yeah, I'll get right on that. You REALLY seem to like dj music. Yep, I'm the "moron". LOL

I see. So laughing at Kim Kardashian and her talent, or demonstrable lack there of, is nothing more than "jealousy"? If one creates a brand, even if said brand is crap, we must all bow to the holy brand and not criticize it? I think you just summed up everything wrong with millenials in one post. Thanks.

And 12 year olds who still think that phrase is relevant are gonna keep using it.


By that logic, there are plenty of reality show producers and stars, not to mention porn stars, with talent too. So great analogy, bro. Also, you don't know that I haven't made millions. So you would seem to be guilty of what you falsely accused me. So great logic to boot. Good day, Great Defender of the DJs.

Love this car. Sick of constantly hearing the name Deadmau5 around here however. Apparently he's a DJ? Gee, that reeks talent.

Sure, IndyCar is having problems, and not necessarily small ones at that. Still, here's what you're missing if you let Stef Shrader decide for you what matters in the world of racing: 1) Some of the planet's best drivers; 2) The planet's fastest race cars; 3) one of the best sounding engines in motorsports today; and

Well said.