Héctor Rivera

Yeah, try being a Jets fan with season tickets. It fuckin sucks

Good Job.

As much as I love Reese's peanut butter cups, the Butterfinger peanut butter cups are insanely good.

They should really be used to losing three hours wherever they play.


On behalf of Edgar Martinez I would like to say fuck you MLB. That he can't make the hall of fame, it's more than just a shame.

Why not put a stadium on like a giant boat and then when nobody shows up they can just sail the boat somewhere else?

Hey Mike Vick might have slaughtered innocent puppies with his bare hands but at least he didn't love another human being.

He got tossed for saying "Really motherfucker!". You should turn on your sound next time your whole article is about a video clip, audio is important.

Are you kidding? I heard he said he'd give his left nut to do it.

"A lightning bolt has just struck that Koffing [coffin]" HOLY FUCKING ACCURACY, BATMAN

Fuck your veggie Whopper

The characters in GTA she refers to were supposed to be stereotypical, drug abusing, fame hungry child stars who think the Sun shine out of their own arse. There are no redeeming features in any of them whatsoever and were only designed to be an archtype.

I'd make #3 be "Stop being shitheads to new and casual fans, as well as people that just don't like soccer."

Of course the Marlins deny shopping Stanton. Just a few days ago, Loria told Stanton to buy a house in Miami. He's not going anywhere.

what is it with people's nonacceptance of boobs in real life? Halloween costumes with blood and gore and dark magic severed limbs brains zombies? OK! boobs? unacceptable!

This + Next Gen + Oculus = VERY EXCITE!!! HOW MUCH!??!