OVARIES..man am i unable to spell today

makin mah overies jump, yo.

oh fuck ya.. i’m no baby person but it make me wanna pop out a baby and start a family wit dat gorgeous shawdy....love him forever..his baby bro is quite a looker too.

those sea foamy colors def look better on than in the bottle..i am not a green person either but the sea foam color is kind of muted that it doesn’t scream GREEEEEENNN. i like it more as a toe polish so i don’t see it all the time but still appreciate it.

wwwwwwwwaaaaaannnnnt dat polish

i wanna star the shit out of this comment...it is so true!

try tvmuse.com...the links are in the comments section for each ep. some will this comment is inappropriate but click “show” and the links will pop up for the diff streaming sites.

i didn’t know dis bitch cud read or even ride a bike.

yaa i got like 10 min in and felt like i was watching kiddie porn. thinking about that movie makes me wanna vom.

yuengling is water with pennies in it...PA crap.


dis is everything!

shit i can’t do percentages period lol...damn this brain that hates math.


omfg dis shit looks so good! sooooo many good actors......plzzzzzzzz summer be over soon i want good fall tv back! (as well as the weather my body can’t take dis damn heat, the HEAT IS TOO DAMN HIGH!)

exactly. it makes the people at the party seem like assholes when it is understand no one had a clue what was going on.

she is the living definition of YOLO.

douche magouche right dere.

i think people are giving a shit now because 50 plus victims ave come out against him. it’s getting harder to look the other way on his sleezyness when there are so many people providing evidence to bolster the fact that he is beeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyond sleezy and that he is a RAPIST.

does the D, stand for douche? jeez when will people wake the fuck up.