idk who’s worse, him for raping them or her for just standing by, letting it happen, and then blaming the victims. pathetic.

ya all i gotta say is that mary is a big ol bitch. the friend who wrote to fancy brought the required food too so why isn’t mary going off on her? sounds like mary is mad at sarah for something else.

hmm.....don’t think it’s just white people.

LOL to that meme.

i would say in addition to another gift. like this would be kind of the small utility gift /thoughtful that you were thinking about her needs and then the real gift lol.

all i have to say is BITCH, PUT YOUR ARMS IN THE JACKET SLEEVES, THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE MADE FOR..GET A GODDAMN CAPE IF YOU WANT TO LOOK LIKE AN ASSHOLE (tho, vintage jacket capes can actually look nice). i want to rip that jacket off her shoulder.

i concur.


he was hawt as fuck tho.

i feel that about the dialogue too...i watch it on my computer and had to attach external speakers to make it louder.

IT’S A LITTLE TOO LATE...you were already caught being a d-bag.

he*** not they.

of course the rapist is offended. it’s not enough that he raped her (and assaulted others), now he has to be a whiny shithead and get mad at her for calling him out and talking about it. fucking entitled shithead. like i know both men and women exhibit this kind of behavior but he making it a point to show how


ok, i did it! i think it helps a little lol

ok why hasn’t anyone posted the little girl from the taco commercial..”why not both”. men have it both ways and frankly it’s bullshit. mo money n ladies faces on money. i’d rather spend a damn dollar with a lady face on it anyway.

racists much?

scratch out ‘the’.

she’s like a the young version of MOM from MOM corp in Futurama...greedy don’t age well.

yaaa never not thought she was an asshole..guess this just proves it even more.