again i repeat: NO.

lol..twinsiezzzzz..no but for real this is awful.



if the father is trying to black mail this guy with old pics, wouldn't he exposing his own indiscretions to his daughter as well. wouldn't she be like "hey dad where did you get my boo's dick pics"...or maybe i'm just confused?!

well it seems like it is going to be reverse now.

did you not read the article? i see any of the comments by women who have experienced this?

well ya. but when it comes down to a doctor forcing you to do something to your body that you don’t want to do, that is also a threat.

is it possible to be upfront with obgyn that if they pressure you into to having a c-section you will sue for malpractice or just sue them in general? like tell them this at the first appointment. or is that too aggressive because no doctor is going to pressure me unless it’s REALLY medically necessary.

ya me too...when i asked my mom “so since when is barry manilow gay” she scoffed at me and was like “duh”.

money, power, and the fact that victim’s claims are often dismissed.....i mean just look at the bill cosby case, what is it now, like 30 woman have come forward and people still say they are lying. in-fucking-sane.

OMFG VOM VOM VOM VOM VOM VOM VOM VOM VOM VOM VOM...is there anyway you can report this cuz its inappropriate on so many levels.

i know we are supposed to forgive when people repent for crimes etc but a part of me just can’t cause like if you had it in you to molest, rape, or brutally beat someone once you probably have it in you to do it again. idk maybe i’m just a jerk who holds grudges but these people are famous and people look up to them

Two things:

question: why the fuck does it matters? she still looks cute and presentible. she prob wears stuff that feels comfortable. why the hate?

thanks for the suppport! ya i know...my partner and i are honestly too fucking lazy for condoms and it sucks cuz bc is so convenient. its a no win situation but he’s understanding and we communicate so its ok for right now. sending good vibes your way while being off the pill!!!!!

my sexual life is split up into two parts before bc and after bc. before bc i was DTF with my boo all the time (not to sound all bro-ish about it) and now its like non-existent. like someone said below my mind wants it but body is like no thanks.

YES TO THE LIBIDO KILLER...and i still don’t know what to do about it. it helps if i start thinking about sex that day to get into the mood but then i feel like its like scheduling sex instead of just spontaneously having sex. i told my partner and he totally understands and is supportive but stilll it’s sooo goddamn

omg i went off bc and didnt get my period for 3 months...one day i literally feel like i passed three months of blood in one sitting. i later spoke to my doc and she said the pain i felt was on level with contractions when having a baby. i can’t remember the exact medical term she used but it was fucking awful, i was

don't even read the comments section of the wall street journal article that just came out. it made me want to vomit...i am assuming that many came from gross mysgonist men (self hating women). many were touting that she used her sexuality to get ahead or that she's becoming poster child for "the liberal" agenda or