yup totally agree.
yup totally agree.
ya my mom won't watch it reminds her of working in the cooperate world in the 80s when this shit was STILL going on.
ya he’s an asshole.
try RMS volumizing (they also have a defining one which is ok) mascara its da shit. it took me forever to find a great non-chemical mascara and im so glad i did...i used to use dior and i get the same effect with RMS. i have long lashes and it really draws them out.
thanks for the rec. i bought it right now bc i do the same shit the writer does lol.
i guess i could see sutton foster pulling off maybe a 30, she looks great.
hey someone's gotta have some hope around here lol!!!
honestly, i don't understand how she was not fired for writing that racist garbage because writers have been fired for far less offenses.
YUP!!! hit it n def not quick it.
ya honestly it's no big surprise... they could have taken longer to find a good woman host but didn't..s my d patriarchy.
ya i agree...he's def better looking than old brad pitt. young brad pitt was beautiful, now he looks kind of beat. i know people get old but is he not taking care of himself. btw just therouxs younger bro beats them all, he is fioooooooonnnne as hell…
better more natural alternative to vaseline, Egyptian Magic. has the feel of vaseline but not the garbage. can pick it up at whole foods and online.
i honestly dont understand his appeal. he looks like a grown up frat boy who has an entourage to make sure he doesn't get fat n bloated like most former frat bros do.
i don't understand why they oppose gay adoption...aren't they gay and don't they have children. this is so confusing and ridiculous lol. if a kid is going to get a loving and great home it shouldn't matter what the color, gender, or sexual preference the parents are/have. people really need to get over themselves. and…
this is a great comment. agree 100%.