it's a simple rule: if you can't "afford" to tip then you have no business dining out. going out to eat is a privilege and the waiters in restaurants are not your servants. i know the wage system in restaurants absolutely sucks but for right now it is what it is, so pony up a damn tip. i truly don't understand how


omfg she should really look inward and see how disgusting she actually is..ugh couldn't even get through this clip..good riddance.

people who are in debt for weddings are dumb. you chose the debt, it didn't just miraculously appear or its not like debt you get from going to school or owning a home etc. maybe reconsider that 250 person guest list.

fka twigs always looks drowsy and i can't tell if she does it on purpose or her face is just that way. she got that dead eye camera stare, kind of creepy.

ya ok sure man because you know every single one of her fans...come on, is that all you got troll?

pics of this delightful pup!!!!

ummm ya you are clearly wrong. they sampled the fuck out of this song, nearly copying parts of the music and did not ask for permission. this is similar to sam smith vs. tom petty. it may not have been intentional but once you put it out there and make money off of the music you need to credit to where it's due.

i know i just want to punch kate mara in her stupid smug pinched face....when she got run over by the train in HOC i jumped for joy lol.

lol this made me laugh....oliver platt lol

dat bitch aka chole sevivgngngfdgdfgy is a fuckin paraody of herself.

i wish that lady standing had enough "pride" to slap that yarn bitch.

dat's some bitch crazy eye right there.

ahh i see thanks!! that makes sense.

i'm just (honestly) confused as to why they have an exhibit about her?

YES EXACTLY!Respect isn't given out, goddamnit, it's earned and as we have seen many cops in the US do not deserve it. when people feel entitled to something they have not earned is fucking mind blowing!

that's some douche face right there.

applesauce, bitch.

does kanye not realize his wife and most of her family are part Caucasian??