
Pretty much. I feel like we're even for the Giants beating us but that's it. I think God still owes us one more.

yeah buddy!

I was thinking it would be great for traveling. You can get by with just a phone and a tablet but if I'm staying somewhere for longer than a day or two, I often tote a laptop along. It would be great to just pack up this little stick and a wireless keyboard and mouse. Next, we just need motel wifi with some

These "cut the cable" articles also leave out phone service. My phone service from Comcast has been a lot more reliable than Verizon ever was.

As I recall, there was an idea floated to create another canal across Central America. I think it was going to be in Nicaragua.

MCT is a backpacking staple!

Another thing that Apple has going for it is the iCloud. I haven't taken the plunge but having everything that's important accessible from every platform certainly makes the idea of going with iOS appealing. You can put together all the features of the iCloud yourself but having it all done for you sounds like a

Oh, it's the week before Christmas, let's have a fanboi war. Nothing says "Holidays" like some empty threats. I've hit found several apps where the droid versions were older versions of what Apple had, like MLB's app and some of Cisco networking apps. I also had trouble finding a good app for running ssh from a

I got one word for you, Linux.

Mac and Cheese. The cost varies because it's one of those items that goes on sale frequently. If I'm feeling large, I throw in a can or package of tuna fish. I call it MCT.

Or a "Who's got the best apps" button that directs to Apple.

eggnog + Capt Morgan's Spiced Rum = A very pleasant Christmas Eve

You got the right idea. Polypro near the skin and then thin layers as needed. You might want to add a pair of light weight cross country ski gloves as the winter goes on and maybe a knit hat. For me, I don't need a windproof shell until it gets below zero. Down to zero, breathable fabrics work best for me.

Don't confuse attention whores with a cause either.

For me, checking the clock actually helps. I will fall asleep for some period of time and not know it unless I've been checking a clock. Once I realize that I have been asleep, I calm down a bit and that helps me go back to sleep. I wear one of those watches that glows in the dark all the time for this very reason.

This is the most practical thing that's ever come out of Mt. Holyoke.

I travel a lot and I use Google Maps constantly. It's probably the most reliable way to find a restaurant even in a city you are fairly familiar with. You might have to poke around a bit to read menus and perhaps cross reference with "TripAdvisor" but overall, it's one of my most useful apps.

I can. The last time I went to a theater (to see "Lincoln") the screen suffered from blowout and the sound was muffled. Tickets were $13 each! My home theater certainly isn't close to a big screen experience but that's all I've watched for two years now.

Great song but "Burning Down The House" (from "Stop Making Sense") has been in my workout mix for years and it will probably stay there for some time. Love that tune.

yeah, just ask Fred Flintstone