
Sometimes, there's a picture on the SPAM can that looks like a five pound roasted SPAM with little cloves stuck in it. Mmm, maybe served with a brown sugar glazing? Can you even buy a five pound can of SPAM? I'm just surprised my mother never served us a SPAM roast if it does actually exist.

1. Always give yourself an out. For example, you're ready to buy a cheaper car from another dealer but you wanted to see what a little nicer car looked/drove like. Be sure to use a realistic price but this will let salesman know you will only buy at his low end.

It sure does. The type of music makes a difference too. You might hear a lack of bass is some loud rock with different bit rates, but it isn't a big deal. If you listen to quiet acoustic music it makes a huge difference, especially if you're listening to female vocalists.

This sure sounds like a dumb question but I can't figure it out. How do I add a Google search box to Chrome's toolbar?

That's crazy. I can see that Patco is mostly at fault, their poor procedures led to their password being coughed up but I hope every customer of every bank everywhere takes this as a warning. If your bank doesn't have more than single sign on protection, your money is at risk. I know if that was my bank, I would

Ahh, the Unabomber look is making a comeback.

I've read that the Titanic was never described as unsinkable until after it sank. It was dubbed unsinkable by the popular press and we all know how the popular press is with facts.

It needs a wrap around rope so a friend can really spin you like a top.

The evidence that Iraq did indeed have active chemical weapon factories was never broadly advertised because the evidence of their existence came out slowly, long after the mainstream media lost interest. I mean really, who really cares if soldiers are risking their lives everyday cleaning up chemical weapon

So, an Indian tribe could open a nuclear dump and no one could do anything about it?

Here's some advice from an old coot. Spend some time at your local hardware store, Home Depot or whatever talking to the people there. All these places have pretty decent brochures and guides. The bigger places have books and magazines you can read. A lot of the work you probably need to do around your house is

First, does the company you work for offer any training or courses? I've taken some great courses taught by co-workers. Second, if you go outside of work, I would say try to do something really different from what you normally do. I know where I work, Java is the big thing. Do a couple of job searches in your

There is, but you need external speakers. All you have to do is BLAST Debbie Boone singing "You Light Up My Life."

Thanks! I was just about to ask that question. I've experimented a lot with tomato sauces and I've always wondered how they got that distinctive flavor.

Did you know the Army has tapes of Iraqi commanders requesting chemical attacks during the Iraqi invasion?

Read your Wikileaks, Iraq was covered with chemical weapons factories. It's been a big problem to decontaminate them.

Wouldn't it be a lot cheaper just to buy everybody suitcases and get them to move?

Really, and what in the world is the wife going to do with herself if she isn't chasing chunks of wood while I'm splitting firewood? The dog isn't going to like this one bit either.

Every time I use the little floppy icon on an app to save a file I wonder how many people have no idea what the icon stands for. btw, I remember 12" floppies.

What, no quotes from Tyrone Slothrop? The article is incomplete.