
and this is why i’ve never been a big fan of lebron. yes, he’s a great basketball player and done some socially beneficial things, but everything is so calculated to groom his image and brand that it comes off as disingenuous (at least to me). i’m pretty sure he can’t answer a question without consulting his

if they thought the mobile game announcement for diablo went over poorly, i can’t wait to see how this blizzcon will go over.

this reminds me of the teen titans go episode where the hive had this multi-piece amusement park costume that came together like voltron. then the titans got jealous, destroyed it and even shut off the lights/power of the amusement park costume.

saw one of his videos on reddit. the arrogance of the tai chi fighters thinking their form/art is superior is ridiculous. it only works within the context of a set of rules, particularly against someone practicing the same form/art.

did he say that while wiping his ass with $100 bills?

i haven’t kept track of boris for a few albums. i feel like they sorta lost me at smile and i wish they’d focus more on the doom/drone. but that one track is pretty good.

where’s the environmentally friendly corpse paint?

i sort of feel the same way. it’s a decent show, but i don’t think its even close to breaking bad levels (although in fairness, most shows aren’t but that’s the closest parallel in terms of story and feel).

agreed. it still looks like he’s heaving it and still starting way too low.

i just finished watching this. it’s like a step up from falling skies, and i had to really muscle through that show until the horrible, horrible end.

plata o plomo

i mean, it’s possible it’s fan artwork.

i got that vibe as well. if someone deep faked this video with trump, or vice versa, it literally could pass as the real thing thus proving what a caricature the current PotUS is.

one day i went to amazon to look for something and there was a huge banner for the jeremy renner storefront that basically sells items he either curated or approves of. it consisted of mostly outdoor recreational gear and clothes, but every pic had him with this smoldering look or 500 yard stare. he is quietly

one day i went to amazon to look for something and there was a huge banner for the jeremy renner storefront that basically sells items he either curated or approves of. it consisted of mostly outdoor recreational gear and clothes, but every pic had him with this smoldering look or 500 yard stare. he is quietly

as much as i enjoy tool, i feel like i actually have to carve out time in my day to listen to their LPs. every record has been longer and more conceptual than the last. they’re still a great band. but i have to be in a certain mindset to really just sit down and have them on.

then it’s a good thing i never played yakuza. now i have even less incentive to because i’ll never catch up.

do it! i can’t break up with my family!!

sigh. i’m not ready for this gen to end because i have a stack of games staring at me and not enough time to work through them. just a little longer, sony!!

my collecting of things ebbs and flows. i’ll collect for a stretch, sell it off, regret, get back into it, then collect again, rise/repeat.