Gizmodo has officially become Jezebel 2.

Yes, but self-aware enough to realize that calling video games “E-sports” is ridiculous and stupid.

If he doesn’t say Boo-yah or waffles I will be disappointed

Not to mention the scumbags who let their dogs shit on your yard and don’t clean it up.

imho, it’s clear to any rational person that Ledger’s Joker was the definitive Joker

Batman looks like somebody just made a mild practical joke at his expense, and he doesn’t get it.

“But then turning those feelings into getting the man his job back because Internet commenters are mean? That makes no sense.”

“We need to get out of the shame-spiral… well, we can spiral a little… only until it gets to the exact resolution I believe in.”

Cool! He was great in Captain America. He’ll do a fine job hosting Top Gear.

Now playing

Hey Casey the copyright holder of this video is Boeing , stop putting your logo on it and all the stuff you copy . It doesn’t belong to you.

One need look no further than who sponsored the referemced chart, the Frontier Group; an environmentalist lobbying group that manipulates data to fit their agenda, facts be damned. Their website is easy to find and full of inaccurate and skewed viewpoints. There are enough facts our there to support some of their

um... there’s soooooooooo much wrong with the this article, it almost- almost- makes me laugh. After ‘o7, we did indeed have a drop in auto travel. It was due primarily to fuel costs rising faster than ever and our economy stalling, both factors kinda keepin’ people home rather than out cruising to work or vacation.

I generally try to be a nice guy... But it has always boggled my mind (to the point of irrational anger) that guy got paid to draw comics. Seriously, every bit of his art looks like a troubled 7th-grader’s spiral notebook cover. I have a knee-jerk hate-reaction every time I see it.

Black people use the word nigger word than white people, so maybe it’s just black people asking google yo whats up nigger. That and there are just more people doing more searches in general... of course there will be more searches from the densely populated areas.

Oh fuck off you simpering fool. America at its worst was not as bad as the Germans or Japanese were on their best days in WWII, and we don’t treat minorities as bad as you want to pretend we do nowadays. Pick up a book and stop being delusional.

I suspect he’s a Russian embedded in Canada, his kinja gives it away: thetruth @alexeyterekhov.

...and the U.S. can no longer be in denial of the huge strategic impact that a Chinese military exclusion zone could mean for the region and the world

I would issue them supersoakers loaded with bacon grease. Stops Muslims in their tracks.

Yep, just put your head down. Back away. If you catch their attention just offer up your wallet and soil yourself to show your submission. Just forget about that whole “rights as a fucking law abiding citizen” bullshit.

Ten bucks says that guy drives a black Tahoe. Don’t ask me how I know; I just do.