Am I still high from yesterday...?

Make sure to get your spice weasle vaccinated.

when 64 years old YOU reach, look as good you will not.

It's like an OtterBox for your Aston.

The Baseball Hall of Fame is not a place for gamblers! It’s a place for racists, philanders, alcoholics and anyone who used PED’s before the arbitrary deadline of 1995.

Unfortunately, you are discussing this with people who don’t realize that the earth extends beyond what they can see from their penthouse apartment.

Typical Gizmodo article.

What about people that don’t live in cities? Are we going to invest in effective public transportation for towns of 500 or 1,000 people? What about actual rural areas? Or are we going to force everyone to move to cities and abandon rural areas (ya know, the places where all the food comes from?). This is seriously a

These are not the 72 virgins they were expecting.

Rob was never owed a dime because he wasn’t the guy who insured the engine. I’ll bet Precision Engineering got a check from UPS and didn’t tell Dahm.

“Competitive” = Export jobs in countries where you can pay the workers minimal wages. That’s it.

This is Jalopnik, you’re looking for Gawker.

So... this technology renders the vehicle safe to drive behind Volkswagens?

Love it when the keyboard mob steps on their soap box and talks about reliability as concern when in reality they will never think of the focus rs and instead buy a nice beige 3 series or a4. Get back to work you god damn suit!

I never hated the rich from Dubai too much, just accepting it is a very very different life. This...... FUCK these guys. That attitude is disgusting. Go back to your sandbox you fucking tusken raiders.

I’ll say it, because I don’t think anyone else will: I fucking hate these rich Arab princes and oil sheiks who visit Europe and the United States and violate countless laws and end up getting away with it.

Because they think they can come to OUR fucking countries and do whatever the fuck they want.

Nah, spot on.

Kill them. Kill them now. Drone strike the fuck out of those oil money douche bags before someone gets hurt. Also, as much as it pains me to say this, strike them while they’re destroying those awesome cars; they can’t be saved now.

Hey Aaron, classy move on deleting my post. I’d rather you confront me than use your editing power against me. I know I’m that stick in the mud, but seriously, you’re like that guy who asks if everyone wants Pizza at a lactose intolerance meeting, and then goes ahead and orders it anyways when everyone starts moaning.