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    You've mentioned before that Americans don't want to drive slow cars the "only" do 0-60 in 10 seconds, but let's face it who really takes their car to the max on an on ramp anyway.

    My last 2 cars have been at exactly 0% for financing. I have yet to find a 3rd party bank that will give me 0%. When you find that, let me know and I'll start using them.

    If they're both ugly crap cars, no one will buy either of them. Just another ugly car no one wants to be seen in. The appeal of the Tesla Model S isn't in that it's from an Apple like company at all. It's that it's a good looking, high performing car with a nice interior and lots of high tech features. It just

    It's so much simpler than that. The Model S is a really nice looking car, regardless of powertrain. The Bolt looks like CRAP. If the Model III looks like crap its sales will be just as bad. Sure the heavy Eco people will buy in, but that's not the mainstream car buyer. I want a car that looks good and drives

    eBow+ adds a setting to do a harmonic octave. It's got to be at least 15 years old itself by now. I have the older first gen and a plus I've used for many years.

    I have the kind of wife who has asked me on my last 3 car purchases, "are you sure you don't want the one with the bigger engine?". We call those "keepers" :)

    The 'whole clone thing' is Star Wars canon, even if you hated the prequels personally. This is Boba Fett (Daniel Logan). I wouldn't accept Fassbender in the role at all.

    Just like the G8's and GTOs looked like every other Pontiac being sold at the time. The only people who can tell them apart are the ones who bought them. Kind of like a mom with twins. It's too bad it's so generic.

    My wife hated it too. Bought her a new Edge last year, but looked at the Flex. She likes being up higher in a vehicle (traded in her Expedition) and the Edge was her choice.

    I had the same scenario in my '11 mustang GT. Thanks to a quick eye and the fantastic stability control, I was able to swerve at highway speeds and miss it. Well, nearly miss it. It left a black rubber streak just above my drivers side door that I was able to rub off once I got home. But in a lesser car I would

    Not as expensive as the Disney expansion to Animal Kingdom that is all Avatar and set to go along with these new movies. There's a lot riding on those movies.

    I don't get the watching people play video games thing either. When I was a kid I would torture my little brother by making him watch me play Mario Brothers and telling him that as soon as Mario died he could play, again and again. As soon as he did get to play, I was off to do something else. I can't stand

    I'm not really arguing anything besides the fact that August happens to be the one warm month in many parts of Alaska out of the entire year. No, what I'd like to actually see if a picture of the same exact spot when the pipeline was placed there, a picture from 50 years ago, a picture right now at the coldest time

    This picture is 2-1/2 years old, being taken in August 2012. I'd like to see a picture of what it looks like right now, January 2015. But I bet it would be way less dramatic.

    Money wise, they (Columbia at the time) got Spiderman for nearly nothing. What they gave up, though, in order to secure it was James Bond 007.

    Disney really seems behind these days with their toy marketing in general. Look at the Frozen fiasco last year, they're just now catching up. They had better get their game on before Episode 7 hits.

    The 3.75" Rebels figures are just starting to come out.

    You show this map to Andy Dalton and his QB rating drops 50% instantly.

    And a RWD sedan named 'Falcon'.

    I don't usually do this, but I'm calling bs on this whole article. And so does anyone else who has kids I think. If your 6 year old asks for the My Little Pony Princess Twilight Sparkle's Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Play Set and you show up with the My Little Pony Crystal Princess Palace Playset you're butt is headed