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    As a Volvo fan, I just about cried a little. I hate every single little thing about this plan and this administration.

    Selling a bunch of new Hyundais Hondas and Kias really doesn't help the US automakers much. This plan was retarded from the get go.

    That GM chose to keep Buick alive over Pontiac and Saturn shows how far they still have their heads up their asses. I wish the government would have kept hands off and let them fail on their own.

    The only thing this stupid plan is going to actually result in is higher prices for used cars. They don't care about the environment, they care about lining the pockets of their cronies. Case in point is the Obama administration blocking the creation of clean power facilities in Ohio this week.

    @ThreeLitre: And we see another pic of a crashed smoldering supercar.

    She's too tall for that car

    Please somebody tell them you don't make carbon fibre out of char-coal.

    "Hey whats that car in front of us? Whats that badge say? Get a little closer so I can read it. Little closer. Is that an 8? Oh, its an S. S-H. Almost, get a little closer.. S..H..OOh crap!" >smash<

    @FromaBuick6: 70 Torino also came to mind as soon as I saw it. Is it the grill?

    @tek_nic: That Audi is so Peoples curse material.

    @Syrax: Wow, the Ford V8 sounds so much better than that whiny high pitched Italian garbage.

    I had a somewhat crazy great-uncle who always talked about how much he hated Fords and would never let one park in his driveway.

    I'm really having a hard time between the Taurus SHO and the '10 Mustang GT as my next purchase. The last car I bought was for 'fuel efficiency' but I hate the driving experience. I'd rather pay more for gas and enjoy my hour commute each way.

    Damn Canadians sabotaging American auto companies. That's what it is. Trying to collapse our economy so they can drop south of the border and take over.