
As an OSU alum currently living in Austin my first thought was "hmm I'm surprised it didn't get set on fire". For the record, most Ohio State students do the same thing you do as far as drowning one's sorrows. The sad part is, most of the people that get busted for this shit aren't even students

I kinda do want one now, yeah. With a Coyote 5.0 stuffed under the hood.

Et tu, Ford?!?!?!

I bought a 1988 Mazda 323 GTX for $800 and took it rallyx and autox for a while, couldn't find a better car for what I wanted to do.

This makes me so angry. If my daughter was in the back while those losers were trying to punch the window I would have done the exact same thing. In Texas, that shit would never happen. 1) roads are big enough for everyone 2) guns are big enough for everyone as well