Theory time!
Theory time!
I was worried Simone would be a bit too over the top from her first scene (she was a little too aggressively quirky, more in line with the fantastical elements of the show than the actual human characters), but she actually matched the rhythms of the show very well after her introduction. And she and Chidi really do…
Yes, but then someone else would have been pissed off. Which is not to say that they don’t have a point, but also to say that people can find problems in anything*, and at least this way an incredibly talented actress from an underrepresented ethnicity is getting a crack at playing an established and recognised charact…
Glad we agree!
I’m pleased you think so. Enjoy the orange baby turning your country into a laughing stock. I’m with the UN on this one - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ;D
Enjoy your dear President failing to say the word ‘anonymous’. What a stable genius.
‘I used a homophobic slur because it seemed like something you would do’ is not the burn you think it is.
Nicely done, using a homophobic slur will really validate your case.
And that’s the thing; my arguments don’t need to be deep or nuanced - your President is so clearly stupid and such an obvious liar that the UN laughs at him to his face. And you’ve got him. Shallow arguments are more than enough here.
Aww, did they hurt your pwecious pwesident’s feewings with their nasty comments?
In the podcast someone - I think one of the designers? - mentions setting up things to potentially last 7 seasons, but I’m pretty sure they were speaking retrospectively from when they didn’t know about the twists. I’d love to watch seven seasons of a show this good, but I just don’t know that there’s that kind of…
That’s far from official, but it’s definitely my guess. They’ve just ploughed their way through the stories and settings - I don’t know that they can continue past a third season without it feeling like they’re slowing down or retreading material.
That’s fair enough - for as much credit as I’ll give that aspect as a subversion, a surprise, and a clever way to refocus the film around the characters who actually matter... there still should have been something more concrete about who Snoke was, how his powers connect to the rest of the lore, and what his…
Yours is the best critical take on the film I’ve yet seen. I still loved it; it’s what I’d like to see in more Star Wars films, but it has its fair share of problems, and most of them just come in execution, not concept. I don’t worry about not knowing who Snoke was, or Luke not doing anything, or everyone coming and…
I think it reached ‘too much style compared to story’ at the start of last season, with the two big montages of Mike doing stuff, but I think it was especially noticeable here, as the two big montages had songs that had to repeat verses just to fill out the time. It is just that bit too much - not a whole lot, and the…
More than almost any other show on the service, Netflix is doing a tremendous disservice to BoJack Horseman by dropping it all in one go. These episodes have so much in each episode, so many beginnings and endings with their own tones and themes, they should be savoured, discussed, shared - that just doesn’t happen…
So... do people think BoJack deserves forgiveness? Or redemption? Because neither Diane nor the show seem to be leaning that way.
It’s best not to give ‘recognitions’ the attention. You see them around these sorts of articles a lot, they’re practically a parody of the political left, intolerant of any deviating opinions or nuance.
I did tune out during Gus’ speech. Part of the problem is that it isn’t actually telling/showing us anything new, and Gus is already quite a narrative distance from Jimmy, the supposed centre of the show. If this were a Gus Fring-centred show the monologue might have worked, as the actual climax of the episode and a…