Web Series + Babies + A Capella + Competition + Jerry from Parks and Recreation
Web Series + Babies + A Capella + Competition + Jerry from Parks and Recreation
So, I’m way more into my TV than my films, so here’s my list of TV shows that define me:
The ‘We don’t kill’ thing bugged me just because... well, they may not kill, but the only actual way the previous Big Bads have been stopped IS by them dying. Pretty redundant point when the outcome needs to be the same; DeVoe (as with the past villains) will only cease to be a threat when he’s dead.
Oh come on - Corden was the worst thing about the original (and a pretty redundant element to boot - it really only needed Baynton’s lead character), and yet they’re keeping HIM for a remake?
I honestly can’t tell who you think it’s meant to be, let alone what problem you think I’m a part of. Care to enlighten me, or are you content to sit on your cloud of vague righteousness?
That is an impressively dickish comment.
I love whoever shouted out ‘I love you Rob Lowe!’.
I think the comment about balance is right, though - the episode didn’t quite manage to be the sum of its excellent parts. I can’t quite pin down everything that felt odd about the jumps between storylines (there seemed a big disconnect between what each of the characters were going through this week, both…
“It’s Daniel Radcliffe!”
“He knows Rupert Grint!”
You’re freaking kidding, right? That’s got to be the dumbest rebuttal in gun debate history.
By God, you’re right. I flicked through and there are some quite prominently placed books on personality disorders. Some terrific setup there, and yet practically no-one saw it coming.
I thought about something like that, but the season will go on past the release of Infinity War by a few episodes - I know the show has been decreasing its timed tie-ins since Civil War, but it’d be a pretty big event to skirt around.
Is no-one here presuming the big-ass spaceship coming for Earth is something to do with Thanos and Infinity War, and THAT’S what the Confederacy is offering protection against? Seems pretty obvious an assumption to me.
I guess that Weeknd should be pronounced to sound like ‘weekend’, but it looks to me like it should be pronounced ‘weakened’.
It does have a great deal to do with racism, both systemic and personal. It also has to do with problematic police recruitment and training. These are obviously massively important factors in why this keeps happening in America.
Yeah, this was dumb. Quantum Leap managed both the ‘fixing something for Elvis without ruining the timeline’ episode AND the ‘save rock and roll in the ‘50s’ episodes much, much better. I’d like to comment on the back half of the episode, but it just went insane (and not in a good way, even for Legends).
I liked an awful lot of what they did with Kasius... but they certainly didn’t stick the landing. I loved him as the villain at the start of the arc, but he worked best when he was reducing the main characters to powerless, not when he was amping up his power to ridiculous levels just to be able to take them on. I…
Absolutely. I didn’t mean that either Malick or Kasius were ineffective villains, if that’s how it came across - because of the nature of their threat the motivations were relatively unimportant, at least as far as getting a handle on their role in the series. We did get nuance for Malick (and some wonderful material…