
I wouldn't say that defined a cliffhanger (actually a cliffhanger is something that CAN be resolved without permanent change, but might not. Like if you were hanging from a cliff, you MIGHT be able to climb to safely and be none the wiser), but it does define what we know of as a good cliffhanger. Actually, it's just

To be fair to Angel, the tree pulling people underground wasn't the story of the week in that episode. It was pretty much a D story, behind Angel getting used to Groo, Cordelia getting used to Groo, and Wes coping with Fred and Gunn being together. The first season saw the monsters of the weeks being more important to

Angel. I know it ran for 5 years which is a pretty decent run, but it pretty much rebooted itself for Season 5, almost a new show, and it was just so so good right there... Foolish cancellation there. Could have had at least one more season of awesome. And maybe another puppet episode? Man.

The one on the end is clearly bored, since he's checking the time.

Does the one on the end of the row look like he's checking his watch?

Star Trek-It Ralph.

I don't think that's what Denny was saying. You can't deny that

For me it was definitely at the weaker end of the spectrum. At least Cars I could argue works for kids (and selling toys), but Brave just... didn't work. Kudos to them for making a film about a mother-daughter relationship (a definite rarity), but aside from fantastic music and a good bum gag there wasn't much else to

You could totally just repaint the Epcot globe and call it the EpStar (or DeathCot, but... you know...)

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. Again, I would slightly argue that he didn't have such an opportunity to shine (he's at his most Doctorish in The Doctor Dances, pretty much the only chance he really gets to save the day and rejoice in the fact), by comparison with the others who get plenty. RTD wanted the 2005

I've long had a concern for authors not explaining things. It's fine if I can believe there is an explanation, we just don't know it, but I can't abide it if I believe that the author themself doesn't know what it is. RTD has become adept at doing that, unfortunately spurred on by his success with Midnight and

The first season is an odd one because there are good episodes, but pretty much exclusively the ones RTD DIDN'T write. I actually love Chris' interpretation of the Doctor, and everytime I rewatch eps like Father's Day and The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, I long for more of his Doctor. For my money, the worst thing

Oh my. Not about Children of Earth (awesome) but Miracle Day (mess). That show really fell apart for me throughout the final series (worse than s1), and my loss of faith was vindicated by the final episode which included something with the vague name of 'the Blessing' with the explanation (no kidding) 'No-one really

Now, some of his episodes were quite brilliant. Generally the ones he rushed through as a replacement for someone else's (Tooth and Claw, Midnight). The low-key, more intimate ones (note, 'intimate' not 'personal') were great. It's just when he tried to make everything personal for every single character, and epic at

Did you SEE Miracle Day?

To be fair, that's pretty much what I heard to be the case by the end of s2. I checked in for a couple of later episodes (guest stints by Daniel Jackson and Rodney McKay drew me), but in general I gave up after about 12 episodes of the first season (which sounded to be pretty tedious even to the start of s2).

Guess he's just all over the UK news, then.

Yeah, but Universe?

Is that top picture him playing Jimmy Saville?

"It is not a question I can answer simply with yes or no. I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of