
I dismissed your big long post, because all posts below mine are my private property and as a staunch libertarian, I believe that I have the right to do with my property as I see fit no matter how hard someone else worked to actually create that property.

Just chill, guys. It's not like there's any decent launch games for you to be playing, anyways. Just patch it up, turn it off, and wait 6 months before something worth turning it back on comes out.

You kidding? The whole point of this is so they get to keep 100% of the money and not one penny ends up in the pocket of anyone in the state.

Nature abhors a vacuum. All that libertarian nonsense does is give the rich direct control, instead of worrying about if the person they bribed will get reelected or not.

Also horses, cattle and oil wells in peoples backyards!

Fucking doctors, what do they know? Anyone who reads a medical book and gets the approval of teh FREE MARKET should be allowed to practice medicine!

It's a big, big game about big, big Excel spreadsheets and clicking when the person on vent tells you to click..

FFT is probably the most shallow game in the genre. Sorry.

Or buy a Vita, since d3 is out already and d4 will be out soon, dood!

Yeah, dood!!!

Seriously, though. D2 is the best in the series, so far. Give it a chance.

Your ex sounds like a great catch. What happened, dood?