Backwards-ass country fuck says backwards-ass country fuck things...knock me over with a feather.
Backwards-ass country fuck says backwards-ass country fuck things...knock me over with a feather.
"It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than an anus. " — Sounds like my girlfriend every birthday
The relevant bit is this: "[according to] Jason Avant, "Riley experiences more racism than anybody." (Really? More than the security guard on an hourly wage who got called a "nigger" by the millionaire white athlete?)"
Racism isn't just about what people think, it's about how that changes power relationships of…
Actually, considering how banged up Sonnen's head looked, a recent colon surgery makes a lot of sense.
What a surprise. A Riley Cooper defender who can only see things in black and white.
I feel bad about laughing so hard at those signs you linked. They are darkly humorous and pretty funny at a distance. If I ever saw one up close I would be spending the night in jail for assault and doing so quite contently.
Surely they could rebrand this the "Yeardley Love Memorial All-Name Team."
"Also, in fairness, the Tea Party is often unfairly portrayed as racist because they are primarily white. Gotta be honest here."
Courting racists means you're happy to be in the company of racists. The Tea Party racism is not an accident. It is not an aberration. It is a foundation.
That's assuming those movements are voluntary
So he lost the faceoff then?
In a way yes, but Levis are actually quite well regarded either way. Levis have a ton of history behind them and they still get respect, even if they aren't making $300 raw versions. Levis does however, have a few models made with raw denim. But I don't think you'll find very many people shit-talking Levis. Budweiser…
I agree. And the people claiming that she's obviously old beyond her years: let's not forget that that's the exact excuse many pedophiles use for sleeping with children. A teenager MAY seem old enough, but neither of you really know for sure, so you back the f off.
You said it better than I could. Mature 17 year-olds are only mature to younger teenagers and their peers. I work with an 18 year old. She's level headed, smart, capable and great to have around. However, she has the maturity level of someone who is 18, despite her having a good job and doing her job very well.
Well of course you thought you were really mature! You were 17. Every single 17 year old girl thinks she's the most mature person in the world. But most 17 year olds have no actual real life experiences to back up their claims of "maturity". Mirroring the likes and behaviors of older women a mature teenager does not…
Unfortunately the Redskins won't go to the Super Bowl, because you might be able to fit all their fans in one parking space.
"You cannot walk to the Super Bowl,"
Another very irritating trend is giving answers that start with the word, "So." This is becoming very common with the younger people being interviewed on NPR, and it's horrible.
At times like these, its very, VERY hard to root for my Redskins, but potatoes grow in the ground so you kind of have to.