
But really who cares about either of them? I saw One Direction on some show and all the girls were screaming and all I could think was, don't these boys know how this story ends? All these prepubescent girls screaming for them today will be embarrassed they ever listened to this crap and deny they were ever fans in


"I'm buying this newspaper!"

Close enough?

That's how I feel about deer "hunting." You're not actively stalking a wild animal, tracking it through clues and droppings and such. You're waiting in a tree stand for one to walk by so you can shoot it while it eats or takes a shit. Fucking hunters.

Good to know the USA doesn't completely own the "awful piece of shit hillbilly" market

If you want to stay friendly with the Hall men

It was a joke, making you the most humorless guy I (really don't) know ;)

"Archiving" the ball to give to him later? So now College Park has a facility dedicated to storing and tracking all game balls and the dates they're allowed to give them to players?

Worse than the subject matter is the placement. Finger tattoos are an awful idea. They fade REALLY quickly. As I read elsewhere, yes, Rhianna has one and that's probably sparking the trend. But Rhianna also has the money to get it redone every few weeks.

This. This is what people who are on the fence about tattoos don't get. They're so worried and "omg it has to be something intensely meaningful because I'll have it forever." Just go for it, people. Get something ridiculous that you enjoy right now. Who cares? And if it's really, really embarrassing in a few

Put your tongue back in your mouth you dumb white trash. It is not "sexy." You are like an alien trying to act "sexy" based on faulty research into humans.

oh look a troll

Nintendo sure has balls. Keep reheating the same shit and shoveling it at your we'll-buy-anything fanbase.

So much this. Maybe Kinja can be upgraded so every story type is automatically accompanied by its typical comments just to save us all some time and aggravation. Any Madden story, for example, would automatically trigger the "we need 2K back," "you're paying $60 for a yearly roster update" and "bitching about EA

It's very "Baltimore" that the shitty Affliction style shirt is the women's model

I think the article is implying that Goodell's changes are cosmetic and disingenuous. I don't fully agree but I can see where the writer is coming from. The NFL is making the most obvious rule changes while sweeping the real, ugly truth — that football is an inherently dangerous game and that concussions are

People who are saying that harassed people should go to HR: have you ever actually worked in the corporate world?

No, it's HR's job to look out for what's best for the company, shield them from anything they could be sued for and sweep embarrassing issues under the rug. Way too many grunts labor under the false impression, put out there by the company, that HR is on their side. Come on, who signs the HR staff's checks?

It seems so forced and OMG WACKY~!