
Open carry just numbs people to seeing guns everywhere and actually REDUCES safety. (Before there was the supposition, oh they’re glaring at everyone and waving a gun around in a family park, something’s not right with this picture.)

No, Taya, fear is the reason people buy guns. Stoke people’s fear, and they’ll think they need a gun to protect themselves. They’ll think they can take down the bad guy like they’re in a John Woo film.

The current gun laws didn’t save her husband’s life so screw it? She’s just parroting the NRA propaganda. And fear ridden country is what the NRA loves, it’s how they make their money. The rightwing fear mongering machine had been in overdrive the last eight years, and it’s been great business for all their investors.

I’m sorry (not really) but people’s gun-boners in this country are ridiculous. “We don’t have to be a country of fear”? Fear is what’s selling those guns & that’s how the NRA likes it. Sales spike after every mass shooting. No ones trying to take EVERYONE’S guns away. They’re just trying to make it a little harder for

How exactly is feeling it necessary to be strapped wherever you go NOT giving in to fear? I can't think of a more fear driven response than to feel that it is reasonable and necessary to be able to respond with deadly force every time you step out of your house.

who also lied about how many people he murdered to make himself sound more “badass”

So I - a person who doesn’t worry about intruders barging into her home and doesn’t keep herself armed at all times so that she can take down the bad guys - am the fearful one? WHO KNEW?

I love that because her husband was a mass murdering “patriot” she thinks her opinion should some weight.

Remember folks, if you have to wait even an hour for a device whose sole purpose is to kill other living things, then the terrorists win.

lolwtf? Fear is what SOLD all those guns. Is English her first language?


I think there are significantly more sociopaths and/or narcissists roaming around in our midst than we generally acknowledge.

Like.. My first thought was everybody from grandparents down needs to be incarcerated,


“That’s what every other country on Earth does, and there’s no reason that America’s laws should have less respect than the laws of every other country on Earth”

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

This dumb fuck is the son of a cuban citizen who obtained political asylum here in the states, you would think of ALL people he would be a bit more sensitive to needs to immigrants. He is the worst kind of human trash, a rat faced hypocrite.

Looking forward to their next generation-spanning song “We Got Our Name From a Simpsons Episode When It Used To be Funny and Quotable”


Yes, how dare she, as a woman, be multi-dimensional and have multiple thoughts at once. shame.