I’m just going to leave this here for anyone that thinks she made it all up:
I’m just going to leave this here for anyone that thinks she made it all up:
I’m not sure she realizes the irreparable harm of her actions.
As one coming up from the dark side of a long-term relationship with an abuser, this hits straight to my core as it is all too true.
Having been in more than one abusive relationship — that’s always an abuser’s MO. “Come on, it wasn’t that bad, I’m sorry... You’re really ok, I’m so sorry ... But really, think of how mad you made me... I was so hurt by <insert mundane BS here> I just love you so much, you make me crazy. I only react like that…
Since you seem to also not really understand how Due Process works, let me clarify something for you:
Yeah, in his own words, career first, life second. If I had been falsely accused of something, I’d be putting my career on hold. The fact that his main concern is that she is damaging his career speaks volumes.
“you guys, this is really unfair. think about how hard it will be for me to get standup gigs in the future :( "
Is 2016 going to be the Year of the Punchable Face? Because that mug of his is ordering a knuckle sandwich...
Sooo she bruised herself up? Used photoshop?
“It is unfortunate that today it’s becoming more and more the norm for an accusation to be taken as fact and the sentence carried out immediately by the anonymous public.”
The severity of her accusations are false and extremely harmful. I’m not sure she realizes the irreparable harm of her actions.
Stop violating his First Amendment rights by saying he is wrong!!!
I don’t get why we automatically take the woman’s word on these rape cases. Some of these women can honestly, simply just be opportunistic, you know?
“Innocent until proven guilty” is the standard in a court of law, not in the court of public opinion.
My career and life do not deserve to be taken away without some basic level of due process
Music helps me a lot. If I put a mix together of music that makes me happy and want to move, cardio becomes infinitely more tolerable. Without it, I get bored and start to panic (super rationally) that I’ll die.
I think I went thrice last year. So you know, a few hundred bucks per visit. Sweet deal.
Scene of recent flooding, army drafted in, lass from Lancashire strolling by wearing pyjamas with fag and wine in hand. Sums us all up.
You have to deny your experience while reporting it lest you get labeled “the vindictive ex”. Because bitches be crazy liars, amirite?
I hate that we are socialized to say “I don’t wish him harm” when coming out with stories of abuse. If you don’t, great, do you. But women shouldn’t be pressured to prove a “pure” motive for sharing their experiences. You're allowed to wish that the person who raped you get hit by a bus.