
If just one man says it is so, there is no number of women that can disprove his word (apparently).

How I first interpretted the headline:

Would bite.


These are SO great.

Back when my fine motor skills were not so great.

MAJOR side eye to the Roof parents. You are the worst. THE. FUCKING. WORST.

And asks it in the same way an exasperated parent would ask their toddler if they knew who really ate all the chocolate ice cream (as the toddler sits there with ice cream all over his face).

Fucking WOW. I have never seen anything so condescending and obnoxious in my entire life than the way Watters questioned those poor homeless people. His posture, his expression, his frat boy voice... juuuust wow.

I’m not into country at all so have nothing of value to contribute to the discussion... but I will note that by the sounds of it, in the country world, women are only referred to as either females, divas, or girls? Yuck.

And I love how they’re just straight up conflating rapists with “men”. Like... you’re saying it, not us! If you’re convinced that anti-rape is the same as anti-male, then maybe I am anti-male after all...

Wowza. That intro tho.

Jesus, those are some terrifying figures.


My beautiful, loving and very much missed grandparents <3 <3 <3

“Dylann Storm Roof wearing a jacket with the flags of apartheid-era South Africa, top, and Rhodesia, as modern-day Zimbabwe was called during a period of white rule.”

I have also been the only one to post ANYTHING about this on my Facebook sphere, and there has been zero response. And I’ve already culled all of the racists and bigots out of my friends list.