I’ve worked for clothing companies companies big and small... and I honestly don’t think there is such a thing. It’s a brutal business. :(
So essentially just flat out saying “Your body is the problem, not the top.”
No pooping, and no Diva Cup extraction/ insertion. Everrrr. And no ass zit popping, actually.
Now that I’m looking for a wedding dress, you can imagine the unprecedented levels of sartorial lust I’m experiencing, with a foaming mouth and red eyes and tachycardic heart. There is just so much. I’ve been able to rule only a few things out—shiny satin, ample rhinestones, “mermaid tops”—but that still leaves…
And you kind of get pissed at the women who just are not willing to be everybody’s help meet don’t you (and by you, I don’t mean YOU)... you resent her for not Woman-ing properly while the rest of us are smiling politely, helping silently, biting our tongues till they bleed as if we can’t help ourselves. There is…
Right? I do not want ship them, I don’t want them to be closet lovers... I just want them to be really fucking good friends who don’t give a hoot about the standard expectations (or limitations) of male/ male friendships.
We’re going to ask for cash instead of gifts as well... we’ve been living together for 3 years and own a house... we don’t need stuff. We’ll create a small registry with modestly priced items for those who absolutely hate the idea of giving cash, but rest will hopefully donate to our honeymoon fund instead.
Honest question. How does one get past the age of like... 23, without ANY cellulite. HOOOWWW.
This is all tha needs to be said on this story. This woman has been failed on so many levels.
Mmm but that’s kind of the reason women are opting to have their babies at home. Sometimes the risky and routine interventions that hospitals offer, harm more than help... and that is how the saving grace of the hospital can become the problem. Also, the hospital’s tools are only as good as the people using them.
My point was that women giving birth in places other than in hospitals can hardly be considered a trend. I did not attach any value to birthing outside of hospital in my original comment. I just said that it’s not a trend... a reminder that women had their babies without the help of doctors for many thousands of…
Hey, I was a c-section baby. My mom was on all sorts of drugs when I was born. She wasn’t able to hold me right after I was born, and my cord was cut immediately. She went back to work after 5 months and I was fed formula as well as breast milk. I would never say that our parent/ child bond was lesser in anyway…
I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at here...
Are you really trying to argue that because the US has no standardized system for midwifery that ALL MIDWIVES, EVERYWHERE are bunk? Every other developed country has rigorous standards for practicing midwives.