I was a C-section baby, as were my two siblings. I’m not saying that interventions and surgical births are a bad development in human history (the way they’ve been employed and enforced on the population... that’s another discussion).
I was a C-section baby, as were my two siblings. I’m not saying that interventions and surgical births are a bad development in human history (the way they’ve been employed and enforced on the population... that’s another discussion).
Rape, murder, torture, genocide... giving birth...??
Just because one woman needs intervention doesn’t mean all do. The one size fits all birth plan that is the model in North America doesn’t work, and is resulting in the highest maternal mortality rates of any developed country. I was a C-section baby, as were my two siblings and I’m very grateful that we’re here…
I actually AM suggesting that giving birth is not incredibly dangerous without medical intervention! The vast majorities of pregnancies are low-risk and would benefit from being left to unfold naturally, under the surveillance of skilled doctors or midwives!
Did I say that modern medicine hasn’t saved the lives of thousands of women and babies? It’s not a black and white issue. It’s not that birth was broken and doctors fixed it. Some women were always going to have high risk pregnancies (around 10% of all births are considered high risk) and they died without the…
Agreed. Placenta encapsulation is one thing that I would actually call a trend. What I would not call a trend is women having babies vaginally without intervention. That is one thing that is literally the opposite thing from a trend.
You’re right. Around 10% of pregnancies are considered high risk and those women have been saved and will be saved by modern medicine. That does not mean that “natural” birthing is some new age trend who’s validity has yet to be proven, as the author suggests.
the entire trend of “natural” methods of childbirth and recovery are in dire need of.
You were ADORABLE and I’m digging all of this look!
One night we were driving along in my dad’s low riding sports car, and he suddenly slammed on the breaks. We looked up, and all we could see through the windshield was 4 legs sauntering by... we couldn’t even see the bottom of it’s belly, it was so tall. It was like waiting for a really skinny elephant to cross the…
Need to remember this retort for the next time someone questions a woman’s account of her own life.
Ohhh god that is so much worse!
It was a freshly built house, so not everything was set up as it probably will be once they get more settled. Every bathroom needs a trash can. Like... NEEDS.
Where does she keep her organs??
Preach. Last year, my coworker turned 34. I was in the middle of buying my first house with my fiance, and we had a full day lined up doing important closing stuff that happened to coincide on his Big Day. He MADE me come in to work (he’s the boss’ son... power dynamics) because he was taking the day off to “spend…
I have only ever let my fiance do that to me...and like, 3 times (sometimes the mood is just right) in the almost 5 years we’ve been together.