
Yeah, that is weird!

You are not alone <3

Now I'm seeing it as black and blue again!!

When I first saw this article pop up... the dress looked blue and black to me. Later on I refreshed my feed and now I see it as white and gold. ??

Must have forgotten to take her hysteria pills.

Haha! Now that you mention it...

Oh for fuck sakes.

Is it weird that I find Joan's voice (in her younger years) completely enchanting?

"This is a class about preventing rape, not dealing with whiny sluts"

Men: "Join a women-only gym"

HAHA that is accurate. It's too much!

To me, this gif sums up Jimmy and that "perfect mix of cheese, earnestness and just enough weird humor" that you mentioned. Love it!

Right?? I would looove to be able to do that. What a therapeutic exercise for both parties!


Now playing

This will always be the best baby bathing video.

I'm getting a second hand high just watching that little babe!

Jaa, I can't even imagine! Teeth and nipples are not friends.

High five, young feminist!

As a lover of nice furniture you make me scared of ever having kids, while simultaneously wanting to have seven of them to see what kind of strange and wonderful little creatures they turn out to be!